Western Christianity has settled for a narrow perspective on faith and knowing God--a perspective in which being right was the ultimate source of security and truth. 

When my spiritual path led me away from these constrictions and limiting beliefs, I discovered voices who had been knowing God through expansiveness rather than limitations--I found these voices in monks and contemplatives of modern orders all the way back to the ancient teachings of desert mothers and fathers. I encountered contemplative Christianity, and it brought me life to see Jesus as a teacher of this way.

I also had a lot of healing to do on my patriarchal perspective on God and religion. The Spirit began to nudge me to refer to God with feminine pronouns. I learned more about Mother God and the Divine Feminine, enlivened as I encountered this part of God who resonated so deeply with my experience of what it means to be Loved by Love itself, and to learn to Love in the way of Christ.

Chickmonks is all of the things that healed my faith rolled into one. It's a podcast full of conversations exploring contemplative Christianity from a female perspective. There will be a broad array of voices represented--yes, even men. But by emphasizing different voices and perspectives, Chickmonks aims to create a space for a fuller, truer, deeper encounter with God. Sometimes episodes will be interviews, sometimes there will be homilies, and sometimes there will be guided prayers. May you find grace, may you find compassion, and may the light of Jesus Christ make you more into Love.