This weeks updates really sound a lot like the end of the season is upon us.
We have turkey processing this weekend and are planning the changeover of chickens in the chick wagon and the coop. We also talk about the pigs to processor:

trailer in place -1st batch Monday
2nd batch- following Monday
receiving final cut sheets, etc
our cut sheet decisions

This week the CoopCast Community is sponsored by FarmTek - listen to get you FarmTek promotion code / coupon code today!
First off, thanks for get well wishes last week. Still, Farmer Andy is better this week and should be out hunting tonight!
Second, thanks for making your questions and comments public for otehrs to learn from.  Now on to the listener questions...

Karen- asked have we tried free range Cornish yet?
Christy- wanted to know if we have written what's in the row boat anywhere?
Tim- grilled first of his own chickens - felt good to be part of the solution that we inspired him to take acton on!
Rebekah- asked if we make enough $ w/ CSA to make it worth it...
Chris - asks about "free help" on the farm

In a new Farm U segment - we talk 1/2 pig cut sheets
What is a pork cut sheet and how do we set ours up to help customers make decisions.
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