Previous Episode: October 7, 2019
Next Episode: October 9, 2019

John Nolte, Editor at-large for Brietbart, points out to Dan & Amy where Climate ‘Experts’ Are 0-41 with Their Doomsday Predictions

Professor Margot Cleveland, adjunct instructor for the college of business at the University of Notre Dame and senior contributor at the Federalist, fills Dan & Amy in on What You Need To Know About The Major Abortion Case The Supreme Court Just Took

Former United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense & contributor to the Washington Times and The American Spectator, Jed Babbin, tries to figure out why we would once again betray the Kurds with Dan & Amy

Foreign Policy and National Security commentary writer for Washington Examiner, Tom Rogan, comments on the fall out from the NBA and China tweet fiasco with Dan & Amy

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