On this encore episode of the Psychology Talk Podcast, Dr. Scott Hoye is joined by Rebecca Hendrix. Rebecca is a Manhattan based Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New York City and Woodstock, New York. She has advanced training in therapeutic psychedelic integration. She completed training through MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) to provide MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy (when it becomes legal). She currently offers Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy. She has presented to the lay-audiences on psychedelic medicines to increase awareness and understanding of these therapies for consumers.

On this episode, Rebecca discusses her training and experience with MDMA therapy and ketamine therapy for PTSD and other maladies. The two discuss the latest developments in psychedelic therapies, the potential changes these new therapies will have on the world of behavioral health, and the promise they hold for individuals with serious, long term mental health issues.

Rebecca’s Article in Business Insider:


Rebecca’s Practice Website:


Resources Discussed in this episode:

For Veterans:
Heroic Hearts Project - https://www.heroicheartsproject.org/
VETS Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions

Warrior Angels Foundation helps veterans access psychedelics

For Therapists Interested in Training
Fluence https://www.fluencetraining.com/
CIIS https://www.ciis.edu/

Maps https://mapspublicbenefit.com/training
Volunteer at Zendo https://zendoproject.org/

Ketamine Training:
Healing Realms https://www.healingrealmscenter.com/
Polaris https://www.polarisinsight.com/
JMF Foundation Spain https://josepmfericgla.org/web_Fundacio_JMFericgla_2/seminarios_y_formacion_seminario_ketamina.shtml

Prati in CO https://pratigroup.org/

Sage https://sageinst.org/kat

The Ketamine Training Center (Phil Wolfson, MD)

To apply to take part in a clinical trial:

An expanded access site for MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treatment resistant PTSD will soon be open in North Carolina, open to the public.

More resources: books, movies and relevant websites on my integration website www.evolveintegration.com https://evolveintegration.com/resources

The Psychology Talk Podcast is a unique conversation about psychology around the globe. Your host Dr. Scott Hoye discusses psychology with mental health practitioners and experts to keep you informed about issues and trends in the industry.


