Design Leadership and Mental Health:

Tanya underscores the importance of designing the team member experience, advocating for personalized approaches to feedback and recognition.She suggests practical strategies such as setting clear boundaries, creating a code of conduct, and establishing fixed times for team accessibility to improve mental well-being in the workplace.Emphasizes the necessity of leaders being proactive and mindful about the mental health of their team members, rather than just offering standard support programs.

Signs of UX Theatre in Companies:

Tanya defines UX theatre as the adoption of UX terminology and superficial processes without substantive user-centered methodologies.Critiques the misuse of design thinking as a replacement for comprehensive UX strategies and the tendency of some organizations to test UX concepts with executives rather than actual users.She warns about the dangers of UX theatre in diluting the effectiveness of UX practices and misleading stakeholders about the maturity of UX integration within the company.

UX Theatre in AI Integration:

Discusses the potential for AI to contribute to UX theatre, particularly when AI solutions are oversold as replacements for comprehensive design processes.Highlights risks such as executive misunderstanding of AI capabilities leading to reduced support for UX teams.Advocates for informed executive decision-making on AI integrations to genuinely support UX outcomes rather than just cutting costs or replacing human insight.

Supporting Mental Health in High-Stress Situations:

Tanya provides strategies for design leaders to support their teams during high-stress situations, such as performance reviews.Discusses the importance of leaders being transparent about their own mental health challenges and setting an example of self-care and boundary-setting.

AI and Genuine User-Centric UX Design:

Emphasizes the need for AI in design to be deeply integrated in ways that truly enhance user experience rather than just automate existing processes.Shares examples of successful AI applications in government services that improve efficiency and user satisfaction.Suggests focusing AI development on user needs to prevent it from being another form of UX theatre.

Notable Quotes

"Leaders need to actually design the workplace experience with the same care we design user interfaces.""UX theatre often happens when companies talk about user-centered design but don't walk the walk.""AI should be a tool that enhances, not replaces, the human elements of UX design."

Reference Materials

Tanya Snook's articles and presentations on LinkedIn about UX design, leadership, and workplace mental health.Recommended readings include studies on AI integration in UX processes and critiques of UX theatre practices.

About Tent Talks

Chicago Camps hosts irregularly scheduled Tent Talks with people from all across the User Experience Design community, and beyond. Who really likes limits, anyway--If it's a cool idea, we'd love to hear about it and share it!

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Tent Talks are short-form in nature, generally lasting from 10-20 minutes (ish) in a recorded format--we like to think of them as "S'mores-sized content" because that's pretty on-brand. Tent Talks can be a presentation on a topic, a live Q&A session about the work we do, or the work around the work we do, or really just about anything--we don't want to limit ourselves, or you.

You should send along an idea or topic of your own so we can learn from you, as well! You don't have to be a published author or a professional speaker on a circuit to be good at your job, so please, put yourself forward, and let's have some fun, talk, and share your experience with others!