Tent Talks Featuring: Christina Goldschmidt

On Wednesday, March 8th 3:00pm CST, Christina Goldschmidt joins us for a live Q&A session: “Key Business Concepts Design Leaders Need to Know.”

Join this live session for free and take part in the conversation with Christina. We’ll have our questions to ask, and questions from attendees are welcome, as well.

Christina answers the questions:

Let’s start with you - tell us about yourself and your background, because the next question’s a doozy.Should designers get an MBA to help further their careers? Why or why not?What’s the allure of an MBA?What are some of the biggest things designers tend to not know enough about as they climb the career ladder?As you get to executive leadership levels, how much of what you learned as a designer do you think will be applied to the job?As a design executive, do you have a portfolio, and if so, what's in it?

About Tent Talks

Chicago Camps hosts irregularly scheduled Tent Talks with people from all across the User Experience Design community, and beyond. Who really likes limits, anyway--If it's a cool idea, we'd love to hear about it and share it!

What is a Tent Talk? That's a great question, we'd love to tell you.

Tent Talks are short-form in nature, generally lasting from 10-20 minutes (ish) in a recorded format--we like to think of them as "S'mores-sized content" because that's pretty on-brand. Tent Talks can be a presentation on a topic, a live Q&A session about the work we do, or the work around the work we do, or really just about anything--we don't want to limit ourselves, or you.

You should send along an idea or topic of your own so we can learn from you, as well! You don't have to be a published author or a professional speaker on a circuit to be good at your job, so please, put yourself forward, and let's have some fun, talk, and share your experience with others!