Connect all your interests and use them to make a difference in the world! That’s exactly how Rohan Gupta slayed his haters and succeeded on purpose. At 24, he’s the CEO of Quillbot, a rapidly developing company with cutting-edge paraphrasing technology. Why he chose the rough path of entrepreneurship 

instead of practicing his degree is a no brainer! Tune in to find out how you, too, can build a fortune while staying true to your passion. 

“I love the naysayers! It’s so much fun to prove them wrong. They help drive you when it gets tough and you want to give up.”

Rohan Gupta


In This Episode:

- Set on a mission to change the world and raise a whooping 4.25 million dollar seed money for startup!

- Why is the roller coaster analogy the best analogy and how does it fuel success? 

- The biggest indicator of what you should be doing in life, right this moment! 

- Why do people always chase the wrong things? What should they pursue instead?

- What role do naysayers play that is critical for winning and achieving any goal. 

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