Kyle Campbell is a family man. He’s also the Managing Director of Hotaling Insurance Services, a risk management family office. As a child growing up he experienced firsthand how money came between members of his family when there was a death in the family and it was unclear as to who got what in the family business.


Now Kyle is working as an insurance advisor, and in this illuminating episode of Chicago Business Review, he shares his secrets with Young Lee on understanding how you can leverage your insurance to pay less tax and keep the peace at the family Christmas. 


This is a fascinating insight into the world of a life insurance salesman and the ramifications his job has on taking care of generational wealth prudently — while working within the confines and legal loopholes of the American tax system. This is also unfettered business advice at its finest, with the upside being that, by applying Kyle’s wisdom, you may just keep those family relationships intact!

(18:50 - 19:06)  “Honestly, what I do… I mean I sell a lot of insurance. But I feel like I’m there to ensure that there’s a happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas where everybody is there, and people like each other, and they talk.” ~ Kyle Campbell

In This Episode:

Understanding life insuranceWhy do we buy fixed income?How do you find a good life insurance advisor?Kyle’s childhood story about appreciating life insuranceDoing insurance for need or greedSorting out your will before it’s too lateWhy it’s better to get insurance on the way upUnderstanding infinite bankingWhat is the minimum amount you need to invest?Should you get policies for your children?The value of reviewing an existing policy you have How your life insurance is protected

And so much more!

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