Previous Episode: Worst. Live Shows. Ever.

For the first time in 2017 Kevin & Steve answer the Chew Crew's burning questions! They cover the Super Troopers 2 update! Saturday night at Taco Bell, mustache rides, Bickerfest, "Never stop fucking," hoarders in the sky, Budweiser-The five tool player of beers, killing Landfill, Lemme Heffernan fights, crassholes, Jessica Simpson, Wacky Packs, Cheetos vs. Cheese Puffs AND MORE!  ENJOY THE CHEW!

For the first time in 2017 Kevin & Steve answer the Chew Crew's burning questions! They cover the Super Troopers 2 update! Saturday night at Taco Bell, mustache rides, Bickerfest, "Never stop fucking," hoarders in the sky, Budweiser-The five tool player of beers, killing Landfill, Lemme Heffernan fights, crassholes, Jessica Simpson, Wacky Packs, Cheetos vs. Cheese Puffs AND MORE!  ENJOY THE CHEW!