Have you ever noticed how at times a piece of music or something from a movie touches your heart and mind in a profound way?  

Afterwards, you begin to realize how you have been affected both psychologically and spiritually. These are truly aha" moments. If you are really spiritually attuned, you may feel it as an electric current within your body or as a tuning of your personal radio signal. When we remember that we are beings of vibration, it all makes perfect sense.

Did you know that people can become mentally conditioned to respond to a set stimulus like a series of tone signals?  It works almost like a telephone does in that you dial a certain combination of numbers, and then that special sequence keys the equipment to connect one instrument to another.

Some people can receive messages from Spirit through song lyrics or something they see or hear in a movie. Spirit can bring an apt verse to mind that provides the answer to the conundrum; hearing it in this way is a form of clairaudience. Songs and movies that resonate with an individual can be used to send information to that individual. Spirit resonates with the "tuning" that the recipient of the message has and sends the message with "the right vibes," so to speak. 

Please join Leslie and me as we discuss how Music and Movies touch our spirits. After all, we are not humans having spiritual experiences, but we are spirits having human experiences!