How we started and why: In 2018, I was trying to transform and expand my business in different cities. What I found, is that it would be a lot of management on my part so I started to dive in and get in touch with the past chefs that I’ve worked with. In a way, I was trying to get them join the team. They were thrilled and helped me out. But as we got into the details of how they can get involved, that’s when I found out that there were a lot of interested chefs, who were not within my circle of friends and past co-workers, who wanted to be in the business. Many people started messaging me on FB and IG and even emailed me asking: how to get started? So it got me thinking, maybe there is a need for this. I remember when I started my PC business 5yrs ago, there was really no direction out there on how to go about starting a personal chef business. That got me thinking that maybe, these people want to learn from me, from what I have done and so there’s this chance that I could help them. That’s when I realized that I don’t want to just expand my business, but also to mentor, coach and help other chefs all over the US and now, globally, have their own personal chef business. 


I started with listing what worked for my business and what didn’t and just basically put it all into a program. I’ve had 30 students so far who have taken the program and I am proud to say that they were able to achieve good results. And when I started this podcast, my aim was to just reach more chefs and give them the opportunity to see what’s out there for them in the culinary industry. 


The vision I have this 2020 for the Movement is to make it a lot bigger and to tell as many chefs and cooks about the opportunity of being a personal chef. Also, I plan to put out more content, kicking up the YouTube channel game and bring out more free video lessons and more free training to be able for you to really understand the possibilities and opportunities that are in this industry already. We do not necessarily need to team up but market up each other and this will dramatically change the culinary scene where the consumers will now recognize us and they will get more of our services. 


Last year, we launched the Chefpreneur Masterclass. It’s a step by step program that takes you to starting and running a personal chef company for yourself. So far, 30 students have taken up the Live Chefpreneur Masterclass and they are getting great results. 


But this year, we launched the Online Chefpreneur Masterclass which covers everything as the Live version. But you can go at your own pace, with all the workbooks, worksheets, and everything else included.


This 2020, my goal is to help more chefs have their own personal chef business by doing the following:

Live event with around 100 tickets as I want to meet everyone and interact with you all Build more programs:  Launch the foundational online masterclass And, teach you paid advertising and in-depth sells process for your business which I will learn from executing it in my own business first.



We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


The future is yours… put it into your own hands!




You can join and register for our webinar in where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, How to find the right clients and How to give an amazing experience to your clients.


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 

And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef!