Chef Andres begins this week by answering a question from Michael, a member of the Chefpreneur Facebook Group. Michael asked “What do you do if you do not have a kitchen of your own to work in?” As a personal chef you would cook out of your client’s homes. As a caterer, you might need to have your own commercial kitchen, but as a personal chef you can do weekly meal preparations and other events in your client’s homes. Another member asked how do you determine the number of portions to prepare for an event. You’ll have to listen to this week’s podcast to learn how to utilize portion control in your business, but please send any questions you have to [email protected] or join the Chefpreneur Private Facebook Group and post questions there as well.

On this episode, Chef Andres discusses the 3 mistakes he made when he started his personal chef business. Mistake #1, he undervalued himself. He started out by charging by the hour. He would work a 10-hour day and make $350, but also write menus, shop, sit in traffic, etc., but the time adds up and he discovered he really wasn’t making the money he actually deserved. He wasn’t charging for the menu-development, shopping, and traffic.  In your own business, you are the product and you have to value yourself. Mistake #2, confusing your customers. The more complicated it is to figure out what you do, the lower the chances they will hire you. Give your customers your services in very elementary language. Mistake #3, not getting mentorship and guided help regarding how to run your business. Chef Andres read a few articles, but it really wasn’t enough. That’s why he created the Chefpreneur program. His advice to you … get some training and invest in a program so that you can avoid this mistake. He’s experienced these 3 things and is sharing them with you so that you can have a successful business like him.

Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

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