Previous Episode: Episode 102: Cathy Whims

The idea of cooking as a career might have come to Evan Hanczor unconsciously. Evan spent summers strawberry picking and cooking with his family in Florida, and went to college at Tulane, in its gastronomically rich New Orleans setting. By the time he graduated and moved to Connecticut, Evan knew cooking was his calling, eschewing more schooling to take a hands-on position at The Dressing Room in Westport. Evan moved to New York City in 2009, working at Locanda Verde before nabbing a spot at Brooklyn’s Egg, where he mastered the many expressions of Southern cooking. In 2012, George Weld and Evan opened Parrish Hall, whose Northeastern culinary expressions and sustainable infrastructure earned Evan much praise. And while Parrish Hall closed, Evan returned to Egg with a richer repertoire and a continued focus on his team and community.

Hailing from Virginia and the Carolinas (the heart of American breakfast country), George Weld settled in New York in his 20s and upon opening Egg at age 33, his Southern roots were made evident in the notable breakfast menu. Between the use of traditional sweeteners and ham implemented throughout plus local and artisanal ingredients, it is no surprise that George’s enterprise has expanded to include a farm and other eatery opportunities. Also an accomplished photographer and an author, his writing can be seen posted on the popular blog Edible Brooklyn.