In this episode, Rachel talks with mindset master Mindy Hebner about creating a team. Mindy is an entrepreneur who’s been sharing her expertise with other business owners for over 25 years. As a mindset master, these days Mindy's been mostly helping female entrepreneurs let go of the beliefs and self-doubt preventing them from maximizing their potential.

Mindy tells Rachel that habitual thoughts such as feeling overwhelmed can become beliefs and ultimately an identity, what she calls a “badge of honor.” She says, however, that business owners have control over these emotions and can experience such emotions without letting them take over who they are; she encourages business owners to embrace more positive feelings, such as being organized, as their identities.

The conversation then transitions into the limiting beliefs preventing business owners from building a team. Mindy suggests business owners don’t feel they are worthy of support and that for many the biggest objection is paying someone else to do the work. She admits that while this may be the case for some, often this self-doubt is merely “protecting us from failure.” According to Mindy, this attitude stems from a fear of the unknown and a desire to stick with what’s comfortable. Rather than giving in to these attitudes, we should recognize the source of these feelings to be able to control them and replace them with positive feelings.

For Mindy, rewiring the brain in such a way requires mental rehearsal, “knowing what you want and then seeing yourself” achieve it in all the ways: seeing it, hearing it, tasting it, feeling it, smelling it.

From there, host and guest discuss the different tasks Mindy’s outsourced. Mindy addresses the importance of building relationships with outsourcing, and she tells Rachel that she uses outsourcing in areas of her life outside of business. For Mindy, it’s all about mental capacity, and recognizing what tasks she has the space for and what responsibilities she needs to get out of the way so she can open up space for the things she chooses.

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Music: The Smell Of Success by Shane Ivers –