The Check Your Thread podcast is one year old!!!! We just took a fortnight off after creating 52 weekly episodes, and today we’re back with an ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode! Aided by friends-of-the-podcast Julia Hincks and Naomi Bancroft, we read out and discuss some awesome questions submitted by CYT listeners. We cover favourite scrap projects, how we interact (or don’t) with sewing trends, what gives me hope when faced with the climate crisis and lots more. And make sure you check out the show notes for the link to my epic Spotify playlist! 

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This episode features Julia Hincks. Her website is House of Miss Sew and you can find her at @juliahincks on Instagram. 

She previously featured on

Episode #10: Overlockers & Coverstich Machines with Julia Hincks

Episode #27: Zoe & Julia go Rag Rugging

This episode also features Naomi Bancroft and you can find her at @whatnaomimade on Instagram. 

Favourite projects using scraps:

So Zo Undies

My denim patchwork dungarees (see image below)

Waves and Wild Wonder undies pattern

Waves and Wild kid’s Speedy pants pattern

DIY Daisy Rectangle sleeve top tutorial 


I Am Pattern Sunshine jeans pattern

Fibre Mood Honey top pattern

A blog post I wrote about my (then) new sewing machine, the Janome DKS30, AKA, lesser spotted orange Janome!

Listen to the Spotify playlist I made for the Fabric Godmother Sewing Bee Party. 

Giving me hope:

@intersectionalenvironmentalist on Instagram. 

Dream guests:

Clare Press, creator of The Wardrobe Crisis podcast, @mrspress and @thewardrobecrisis on Instagram. 

Writer Aja Barber is @ajabarber on Instagram. Get her excellent book,’Consumed: The need for collective change; colonialism, climate change and consumerism’ anywhere but Amazon. (See the cover pictured below)

Amanda Lee McCarty, creator of Clotheshorse podcast, @crystal_visions and @clotheshorsepodcast on Instagram. 

If you haven’t already, listen to Episode #50: The Future of Fabrics.