During this show, the panel and I will be discussing autoflowers and photoperiods. Below are the questions.


1. I listen to the panel every week I had a question. What should my leaf surface temperate be? I can’t really find good information. I saw one source that 75 degrees were appropriate which is why with LED you can run ambient room temp warmer because they give off less infrared heat in comparison to HID lighting. What do you think? To give you an example of my situation, my ambient room temperature is 76 degrees. Leaf surface temp is 67 degrees measured with infrared thermometer gun at that temp. I am in veg under LED. No CO2 supplementation. I am not having problems I just want to maximize their photosynthetic potential. Growing autos in coco.

1. Batmoyle
Thoughts on starting your next auto in the understory of a 6th/7th week flowering an auto?

1. Hugejouice
Does 24hr light make a difference 20/4 or 18/6?

1. inlovewithautos
With nitrogen-fixing cover crops, do you have any problems during flowering as I'm very interested in trying some but the nitrogen during this time is a concern to me? Also, would you advise the same cover crops for an autoflower?

2. valleyremedy
Autos seem great for beginners and getting "growing" into the masses with an easy product. To play devil's advocate, I'm looking at it, as a one and done and a way for the industry to make more money off growers. The comparison would be to buying a digital song that I like and only able to listen to it once. If I want to listen to it again, I'd have to pay for it again. I'm wondering how most seasoned growers see this?

4. spartangrown
Is tissue culture a way to "clone" an auto and save the genetics to be run again and again?

5. jedaii_pat
Best way to top and when? 3rd node?

6. mr_canna_farmer
Do auto flowers need a dark period? What is the light schedule for them?

7. premiumsply
What's the best way to feed them, organic amendments or salts?

8. the_ghetto_gardener
Is the herb as potent as photo period herb?

9. autojack3
Defoliating an auto, mine is well bushy and clearly reducing light penetration to the lower branches... Can I defoliate safely and when should I do it?

10. seaberryorchard
Should you run the veg and bloom light during the veg stage when usig an LED? I have led grow lights that have 4 bridgelux cobs in them along with the red and blue. I ran just the cobs in the first 30 day and switched to all the lights on today for the last 60 days of my autos.

11. b19garden
I started an outdoor autoflower in Feb. and now it looks like it's re-vegging. Is this possible?

12. johnjoegrows
When would you say the cut off time is for topping?

13. superiorgiantgrow
Which auto flower strains have the largest yield potential and how do you up your yield potential obtain this without comprising potency on all strains of auto flower?

14. seaberryorchard
When is the best time to add your bloom nutrients and stop the grow nutrients since different autos finish at different times?

15. jordan_wybraniec
I had 2 Autos going under a Nextlight Mini right until flower (they are about 2 weeks into flower now). We had to move them into a bigger tent under a Next Light Mega now. The light is 3ft up off the top of the canopy and the temp and humidity are very well maintained but our Northern Lights Auto had really saggy leaves yesterday morning... we are thinking possibly over watering because he was nervous it was too dry? They are very green and healthy still just droopy ... could it be something else like stress from the move to a new environment and a new light?