The cannabis industry is filled with individuals who claim their growing technique’s/methods are the best. In my opinion, a lot of these growers aren’t humble, so it’s nice to meet an induvial that is humble and is open to learning new things.

I was fortunate to talk to “Jack” from “JackGreenStalk.” He was humble and honest with his first micro grow. He spoke openly about his growing mistakes, what he needs to improve as he continues to grow and surprised him about growing indoors.

Jack and I talked about the upfront costs associated with growing. He indicated he isn’t a doctor but he made it a point to say growing your own in the long run is not only healthier for you but the amount of money you’ll be saving on your first, second, third run is going to yield you significant savings. He made this point around the 30-minute mark in the conversation.

Overall, I believe this was Jack’s point about growing. Why rely on a third-party a pharmacy or local cannabis retailer when you have the resources to educate yourself and produce medicine that will make you feel better and save you money in the long run.

A Copy Of The Transcription Can Be Viewed Here:

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