Jeff Lowenfels is a guest panelist on “Growing With My Fellow Growers” tonight!

He is the author of a series of award-winning and bestselling books, three of which have become bibles for organic growers worldwide, including Teaming with Microbes, Teaming with Nutrients, and Teaming with Fungi. ⁣

Lowenfels has also penned the longest-running garden column in North America and was inducted into the Garden Writers of America hall of fame after serving as President. ⁣

He is the founder of “Plant A Row for The Hungry,” a program which has resulted in millions of pounds of garden produce being donated to feed the hungry every year. ⁣

Panelist Bios:

Questions Answered:
Baked beans Cannaseeds:
​@CheapHomeGrow will Jeff be at the emerald cup this year as a speaker?

​@CheapHomeGrow Please ask, How long will it take for a fungal/root symbiotic relationship to form if an auto plant’s lifespan is too short??

​@Cheaphomegrow question for Jeff and the panel, is using a compost tea close to crop time going to affect your flush times as nutrients would? How long into flower would you keep using teas?