this weeks show Jack showed up late, and couldn't stay for the show, but the panel picked up the slack and had a great show with Kyle breeder of @predicativebreeding on all social media and for feminized and (coming soon) fem auto seeds Spartan grown @spartangrown on ig or email [email protected], Matthew Gates @zenthanol youtube @synchangel on instagram, twitter, discord and patreon, dr mj coco of @drmjcoco on social media platforms, Aaron the grower @atgacres on social media for shirts stickers and plant packers (the best way to ship clones!!), the American one @theamericanone_with_achenes on instagram, and  @noahtheegrowa on instagram.

This week the panel unexpectedly had to cover for jack, after a surprise late start, panel introduce themselves, spartan grown gives an update on his garden, including his bliss bud breeding project update. the panel discuss how to label age of a plant from start of seed or flower phase.  they then discuss how to determine harvest time of a plant on the first time you grow a new strain.  Kyle brings up the topic of pistils and stigmas turning orange or red early in flower before buds are swollen and developed.  Matthew fields a question about Praying mantis (mantids) and if they are a good predator to use with cannabis or NOT. Aaron follows up with if using a praying mantis scare crow could work?  Dr mj fields a chat question about "if you hang lights too high  when you flip to flower will that make plants stretch even more or will the plants stretch no  matter what?" and discusses the two types of stretching. Matthew discusses how "bolting" or stretch can have ipm implications like previously non visible problems being shown after bolting.  A discussion about law of minimums being met as it relates to.c02 and plant growth rates.  Matthew fields a question about UVB light being used, and the safety implications of UV use in growing for the grower.  Smileys garden in chat asks about how to deal with bees in a static compost pile and the panel weigh in with different ideas and opinions, Matthew gives pertinent information on management of different types of bees and the issues bees face. Spartan Grown eats 800 Mg banana bread edible and reviews the taste live. Panel discuss side effects of "edible high" before spartan grown asks about bees boring holes in wood.  Spartan then brings up the topic of black ants on his outdoor cannabis plants.  Matthew shares reasons ants may go onto cannabis plants, and if they can vector pathogens on their own, or by husbanding aphids. Discuss sugar ants vs grease ants what some ants eat and how they reproduce. Spartan Brings up the videos of bees on cannabis, wondering if they are making "infused honey" by getting cannabis pollen. the Panel discuss bees and their interactions with cannabis. do they need each other? does one benefit the other more or less then the other.  Can bees infuse honey with cannabis or other intoxicants? (mad honey for ex) Lastly the panel discuss what is anthocyanin, and how it can be extracted and preserved in hash.  also discuss redox and its impact at different times of the grow cycle and how growers may or may not be able to manipulate it to get best growing results. Spartan answers a question on if you can or should make RSO/FSO/Feco with stalks and stems. how will it yield, is it worth the effort?


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