Chatting With Sherri  welcomes Writers of the Future winner; Ms. F.J. Bergmann!

F. J. Bergmann edits poetry for Mobius: The Journal of Social Change (, is the former editor of Star*Line, the journal of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (, and imagines tragedies on or near exoplanets. She has competed at National Poetry Slam as a member of the Urban Spoken Word team. Her work appears irregularly in speculative markets that don’t pay enough to be pro, and literary journals that should have known better.

A Catalogue of the Further Suns, a collection of dystopian first-contact expedition reports, won the 2017 Gold Line Press Poetry Chapbook contest and the 2018 Science Fiction Poetry Association Elgin Chapbook Award. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, inside a towering library of science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels with her husband Fred and Wiley the cat, her spawn within bicycling distance. She works as a freelance book designer and copy editor for several horror and literary presses.

Ms. F.J. Bergmann of Madison winning story published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 36 which was officially released on April 7th.