Chatting With Sherri welcomes back; Brittney Powell and Tom Konkle!


A story ripped from the covers of hard-boiled pulp magazines, inspired by noir film classics like The Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity and Raiders of The Lost Ark; 1940’s noir feature; TROUBLE IS MY BUSINESS;  Directed by and starring Thomas Konkle, the film follows Roland Drake, a Los Angeles Private Investigator trying to untangle a mystery that only lands him in deep trouble. Also starring  Vernon Wells (Mad Max, Commando) and Brittney Powell (Xena), in an adventure that ticks all the classic boxes, including seductive femme fatales, corrupt cops, a weary P.I., and troublesome thugs and dames.  Check out the page here;

There latest projects are; RomCom Youtube sketches and Safety Geeks!

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