Tragedy to Triumph and the inspirational lessons in between. Born to a teenage drug addict, abused as a child, and raped at fourteen would stop most in their tracks if not derail you for life but not Victoria Pelletier. Her story is one of being unstoppable, of seizing opportunity wherever and whenever it presented itself. Victoria's mantra is #noexcuses. Victoria became a retail store manager in her mid-teens and was offered her first Executive Leadership Position by her early twenties.

Victoria's career trajectory includes leading Diversity and Inclusion initiatives for some of the world's top organizations. Victoria is a mother, a proud supporter of the LGBTQ community, author, speaker and frequent contributor to the conversation on diversity, and leadership on television, print and social media.

  Victoria shares her triumph to tragedy story while offering us many powerful lessons in life on how to be unstoppable.   How to be bold and to break out of your comfort zone.
Diversity makes us better.
Never accept the status quo.
Women need to negotiate work like they negotiate life.
Where there is conviction, there is capacity.
Outsource the things that don't bring you joy.
Be yourself and celebrate your inner misfit.
Hire people who aren't you.   Vicki Saunders - the Founder of SheEO also joins the program to talk about how women entrepreneurs, with the right support, are unstoppable.      

To chat with Victoria Pelletier 

LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: Website: Facebook:

To chat with Vicki Saunders

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To chat with Tony Chapman.


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To chat with RBC


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RBC Future Launch -

RBC Future Launch - Up Skill -

Tragedy to Triumph and the inspirational lessons in between. Born to a teenage drug addict, abused as a child, and raped at fourteen would stop most in their tracks if not derail you for life but not Victoria Pelletier. Her story is one of being unstoppable, of seizing opportunity wherever and whenever it presented itself. Victoria's mantra is #noexcuses. Victoria became a retail store manager in her mid-teens and was offered her first Executive Leadership Position by her early twenties.

Victoria's career trajectory includes leading Diversity and Inclusion initiatives for some of the world's top organizations. Victoria is a mother, a proud supporter of the LGBTQ community, author, speaker and frequent contributor to the conversation on diversity, and leadership on television, print and social media.

  Victoria shares her triumph to tragedy story while offering us many powerful lessons in life on how to be unstoppable.   How to be bold and to break out of your comfort zone. Diversity makes us better. Never accept the status quo. Women need to negotiate work like they negotiate life. Where there is conviction, there is capacity. Outsource the things that don't bring you joy. Be yourself and celebrate your inner misfit. Hire people who aren't you.   Vicki Saunders - the Founder of SheEO also joins the program to talk about how women entrepreneurs, with the right support, are unstoppable.      

To chat with Victoria Pelletier 

LinkedIn: Twitter: Instagram: Website: Facebook:

To chat with Vicki Saunders

LinkedIn -

Twitter -

Blog -

To chat with Tony Chapman.


Twitter – @TonyChapman –

Linkedin –

Instagram –

Youtube –

To chat with RBC


RBC - Canadian Woman Entrepreneur Awards -

RBC Future Launch -

RBC Future Launch - Up Skill -

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