If you feel like you’re doing ALL the things, but you’re not actually moving FORWARD in your business cause those day-to-day tasks keep you too busy (and too tired) to CREATE and GROW, it might be time to hire a VA my friend. If you’re thinking about adding a new team member, it can be a little nerve-racking to determine, if you’re ready, how to go about it, or where to start!

Don’t worry. I got you!

Hiring someone to take tasks off your list, and to take over the areas of your business in which you’re not an expert, saves you loads of time and increments your growth. You don’t need to be an expert in every area of your business; and just because you CAN do all the things, it doesn't mean you SHOULD.

I’m a mindset and social media coach. Can I build my own website? Sure. Can I run my own Google ads campaigns? Sure. Can I edit every single episode of this podcast myself? After 7 years in radio, I better right? But I don’t do ANY of those things because they take up time! Time that is better spent on getting more clients, serving my current clients better, and doing the things that NO ONE else in my business can do - making podcasts and video content for you, coaching my clients, and more importantly, spending time with my family so I can recharge at the end of each week.

There are a lot of people that you can hire remotely and do admin, accounting, audio-video editing, sales, social media management, or even website-related tasks for you. And NO it doesn’t have to be super expensive!

In this episode, I’m sharing some tips and guides that will help you through the process of hiring someone to grow your team. Always remember, just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it. Delegation is the best way to grow.

Happy hiring!

Download the FREE workbook with the link below!

Share your tips and hiring experiences with me!
Email : [email protected]
Instagram: @gigidiazlive

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