ChatFlix Assemble! This week we break the embargo and litter the show with SPOILERS when we chat Avengers Endgame. For such an epic movie we have assembled an epic line up! Brose is joined by Tristan Jones, Corrine Lawrence, Matt O’Neill, Sophie Hargrave, Adam Thomas and ChatFlix regulars Trevor Wood, Jarrod Welsh and Looch Parissi!
We iron out Robert Downey Jr, we shield you from Chris Evans, ask whether Chrith Hemthworth ith thtill Thor, whether Mark Ruffalo is still feeling green, check out Josh Brolin's grimace and give Scarlett Johansson more airtime that the combined MCU.
A film 11 years and 22 films in the making, that’s more series finale than movie. ‘Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.'
Have a listen and let us know where you think the Russo Brothers went right and where they went wrong!

ChatFlix Assemble! This week we break the embargo and litter the show with SPOILERS when we chat Avengers Endgame. For such an epic movie we have assembled an epic line up! Brose is joined by Tristan Jones, Corrine Lawrence, Matt O’Neill, Sophie Hargrave, Adam Thomas and ChatFlix regulars Trevor Wood, Jarrod Welsh and Looch Parissi! We iron out Robert Downey Jr, we shield you from Chris Evans, ask whether Chrith Hemthworth ith thtill Thor, whether Mark Ruffalo is still feeling green, check out Josh Brolin's grimace and give Scarlett Johansson more airtime that the combined MCU. A film 11 years and 22 films in the making, that’s more series finale than movie. ‘Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.' Have a listen and let us know where you think the Russo Brothers went right and where they went wrong!