Murray makes his message so very simple  - if we have the ability to strengthen and develop as living beings, then viruses do to.

In the face of added stress, increased segregation, immune-challenging cleaning habits along with continual fear and anxiety in our current world - we have created a brutal mix of ways to weaken the internal defence mechanisms of our body. Yet Murray faces this head on and is living proof himself of the power we all hold in supercharging our own immune systems, stimulating the nervous system and becoming more adaptable than ever to take on this flu season. 

Murray's concepts are simple, easy to apply and to be honest - everything most of us already knew prior to entering this pandemic 2.5 years ago. 

His chiropractic perspective make Murray the perfect guest on the second episode of this mini-series, where together we are opening the conversation around what seems to be a never-ending Winter of unrelenting sicknesses and bugs, finding a way through and restoring the incredible potential we all have to be well and thriving.

Murray launches quickly into a podcast he has been listening to which explains the peptide in our brains released during segregation and isolation from each other, stimulating aggression, depression and anxiety - a wave of events which go on to lower immune function. You can find that podcast here 

Be listening next week to our Chat with Dr Damian Kristof - chiropractor and naturopath and as Murray describes, an absolute asset to this series

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