Nik is our final guest for season 6, where we have had the opportunity to chat with some of our Advanced Health Chiropractic legends (you guys!) and share the experiences we think you'd love to hear about. Each of these episodes follow a different tale, yet what they have in common is the ability you guys have to live an amazing life when your nervous system is well-adjusted and clear of interference.

The episodes embody what it means to be completely un-inhibited in your pursuit of well-being, and a connected family experience. We are honoured to care for Nik, his wife Megan and their 2 boys at the practice. And in a full circle, Megan was our 3rd ever guest on the Chat on This podcast. You can find her episode here

Nik shares his perspective on the birth of their second son, an experience which he notes had some un-expected turns yet ended up being their ideal experience. When the midwife was not able to make it in time, Nik supported Megan in catching their baby. As Megan beautifully and intuitively delivered their newborn son into the world, Nik recalled an important tip should ever he find himself in this position.

Thank you Nik, Megan and your gorgeous boys for sharing with our listeners your experiences of birth, and the learnings along the way. 

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