If you were wondering what our impressions of de Kooning's women were...here they are:

My personal favorite, as well as Exhibit A for why my wife is my best friend.

Seriously, though, if you go look at the guy's stuff...she's SPOT ON.

In case you wanted to go take a look at these total Choches (God, I hope that's not a racial slur) here's a few resources we found immensely helpful in researching the episode:

Willem de Kooning, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Kazimir Malevich

Edit (03/25/17): After this episode came out, the good folks at Artsy reached out to me to see if I minded posting a link pointing everybody to their lovely page on Pollock. I don't mind. Here it is: 

Artsy's Jackson Pollock Page

And, as promised, the incredible art of these a-holes' much more talented wives:

Elaine de Kooning

Lee Krasner

We also talk briefly about an artist named Käthe Kollwitz in this episode. If you have some time, I highly recommend taking the time to explore her art. It's some of the most hauntingly beautiful, stark imagery I've ever encountered.