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Welcome to another very special Shoot interview from Chris and JB at Chat Grapple and Cheap Pops!! This time we have another returning guest! The host of the Shut up and Wrestle Podcast, recent Co-Host of the Jim Cornette Experience Podcast, Contributor to the recent documentary "9 lives of Vince McMahon", Writer, and former editor of the WWE magazine in the early 2000s, the amazing Brian R Solomon. We had Brian come back on to specifically talk about the current situation in WWE and with Vince McMahon, and the return of Vince to power and the possible sale of WWE. Brian is extremely knowledgeable and knows Vince and the WWE VERY well.

This interview includes EXCLUSIVE content that was left on the cutting room floor for the VICE documentary "The 9 lives of Vince McMahon" and you do not want to miss it!

Join us to continue the discussion here https://twitter.com/ChatGrapplePops

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