"It's not the fall that hurts, it's when you hit the ground" - The Caesars

The Cars Ta Ta Wayo Wayo
The Contrast Catch the Spark
Wendi Dunlap Buildings
Brian Fallon If Your Prayers Don't Get To Heaven
The Stan Laurels Tomorrow
The Model Rockets He Didn't Think It Was Real
Hurry It's Dangerous
Potty Mouth Contessa Barefoot
The Shang Hi Los Plymouth Rock
Peppermint Kicks Strawberry Girls
Lannie Flowers Turn Up Your Radio
Tamar Berk Better off Meditating
The Caesars It's Not The Fall That Hurts
Toad The Wet Sprocket Fall Down
Shazam, The Fallin' All Around Me

Please join us, these essentials aren't going to chase themselves!