Previous Episode: A Week In The Life

In this episode of the Chasing the Chords podcast, Brian Jump presents his lecture called Music Technology: Definitions, Activities, Devices, and Concepts.

Designed to help those who want to get into music-technology as a profession, this podcast describes the money-making activities that exist in the field. Important topics like audio recording, sequencing, mixing, mastering, and scorewriting are outlined and explained.

Other topics covered by this podcast include transducers, electronic instruments, production techniques, and the future of music technology.

After listening to this podcast, you should be able to
Define music technology
•Describe common music-technology devices like transducers, electronic instruments, digital audio workstations (DAWs), etc.
•Differentiate between electromechanical and purely electronic instruments
•Explain how a transducer creates an audio signal
•Outline the effect of artificial intelligence (AI) on music
•Cite the primary concepts that organize the music-technology field

This lecture is from a class Jump teaches at Central State University called Introduction to Music Technology.

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