Women of color are central to the flourishing of our communities and overall social well being. When women of color leave institutions, and we speak out, nobody talks about it; no one notices it. Women are often the first to speak and the last to gain from reforms in society and the church. Black Women speak out and pay an embodied cost. Asian and Latinas overcome bamboo and corn husk ceilings, but at a cost. Native women work to be even noticed.

"When women of color leave institutions and we speak out -loud or quiet -no body talks about it. No one notices it. It’s not that the work of white people is not important, but why is it centered?" @sandravanopstal

"The cost we have paid is actually not being paid for our work. No having platforms that equal the impact of the work we have done. And we aren’t trained to price our worth." @mskathykhang

"The credit, opportunities, and pay goes to the white person who elevated the person of color and not the actual BIPOC leader, does that seem fair?" @sandravanopstal