How do social justice, ministry, and grief intersect? Creative activist, J.S. Park, tells us about his calling to meet people at different stages of grief, with love, creativity, individuality, and care. Tune in to hear his stories and reflections about how to care deeply, actively, and healthily. 


J.S. Park is a hospital chaplain whose work has been featured on CNN. He’s a Korean-American, sixth-degree black belt, suicide survivor, and former atheist/agnostic who follows Christ. He is the author of The Voices We Carry: Finding Your One True Voice in a World of Clamor and Noise, and is writing a second book on grief. 


Instagram: @jspark3000

The Voices We Carry: Finding Your One True Voice in a World of Clamor and Noise

J.S. Park featured on CNN

Chasing Justice: Artist Activist Cohort

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