Student Leadership University’s mission is to develop and equip student leaders to think, dream, and lead. We strive to instill future tense thinking; character-driven decision making; ownership of biblical values; and a commitment to influence through service.

Order Brent's new book Ten Steps to your Best LifeResources from this Episode:

Winning the War in your Mind - Craig Groeschel
Linchpin - Seth Godin
The Leadership Challenge - James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
A Game Plan for Life - John Wooden
Servant Leadership in Action - Ken Blanchard

Show Notes:

Leaders are readers.

Reading helps develop critical thinking skills that are applicable in every area of your life. Because, if you can't think critically, you'll never make wise decisions.

Reading helps you expand your vocabulary and imagination.

There is something amazing about taking a deep dive into the stories that are around us.

There's a lot of content but few great storytellers.

Benefits of Reading:

The ability to engage perspectives from diverse mindsetsConstant development of critical thinking skillsServes as a catalyst for creativityExpands our vocabularyPrevents you from having a prideful heartGives an appreciation for the history of ideas

The Negatives of not Reading:

When we read only things we agree with, it can create an echo-chamber of our ideas.You're less intelligent than those who make reading a life long habit.Jeff's Book:

Winning the War in your Mind - Craig Groeschel

We often perceive ourselves based on what society sees as successful. What is often sold to us as success is not what is best for us. But our lives can be driven by our most powerful thoughts.

Your thoughts are going to set you forwards or backwards, so we must work hard to keep our thoughts pure and praiseworthy.

Who you become in the future is in part determined by what you think today.

Brent's Books:

Linchpin - Seth Godin

How you can become an essential ingredient to your organization.

Don't endure your job, become essential in your job by balancing emotion and energy.

If it doesn't ship, it doesn't count and done is better than perfect.

Excellence does not equal perfection.

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