Student Leadership University’s mission is to develop and equip student leaders to think, dream, and lead. We strive to instill future tense thinking, character-driven decision making, ownership of biblical values, and a commitment to influence through service.

Show Notes:

Graduating high school is like walking through the wardrobe into Narnia. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Nugget 1: Don’t wait till the fourth quarter to make the decision that you want to win the game.
Living beyond the yearbook starts before your Freshman year.

Nugget 2: The next chapter of life isn't a break from the rest of your life…it's simply the next step in your pilgrimage toward your heavenly home.

Nugget 3: You can lose yourself in the meaningless... OR become captivated with the source and beauty that is behind, and the cause of, all meaning.

Nugget 4: In addition to studying, social life, and part-time work...generously give yourself away in service to a particular cause or ministry.

Nugget 5: The people you surround yourself with reflect the person you are surround yourself with friends that will continually build you up.

Nugget 6: Most of us have spend most of our time around people who look, act, worship, and think like us. Befriend and learn a lot from someone who is different from you.

Bonhoeffer came to the US and found a different version of Christianity than where he came from. This impacted his courage to go back to Germany and have the courage to die for what was right.

Diversity is good, intentional diversity is even better.

Nugget 7: There isn't a substitute for the local church…so find one and commit yourself to it (except during spring break, summer break, and Christmas break; during that time go home and see your parents!).

Being involved in a local church is not an option for the college Christian.

Make sure you doing church visits when you do college visits.

You don’t graduate from church when you graduate from high school.

Nugget 8: Don't take yourself too seriously…so rebel against trying to be a pretend version of yourself that you think everyone will find attractive. In other words, laugh when you trip over nothing while walking to class, choose being kind over being cool, and at the end of the day be a goofball!

This is one of the best moments of your life. When college is gone, it’s gone.

Don’t have regrets, but don’t be reckless.

Want more encouragement for graduating seniors? Brent wrote a blog digging into this topic. Read it here!

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