Lauren Ramsey is a social story teller. Growing up, she lived in five countries and visited thirty countries across four continents. For her, it was normal to learn to adapt to new cultures and environments. This unique skill set has complemented her analytical mind and helped her adapt to new teams, understand problems from a different point of view, and find new ways to tackle and solve any problem. She loves to get her creative juices flowing with ideas for her clients’ businesses, and she’s not afraid to try a new approach if something isn’t achieving the desired results. On a daily basis, she can be found creating social media strategies and posts for her clients at Betsy Bash, and formulating content strategy, articles, and podcast episodes for, her online magazine for music, food, travel, and culture enthusiasts.
TWEET: Ep. 75: @LaurenIgnited - Jumping from 9-5 #Cubiclelife to being your own #boss!
Developing your observing skills
Not everyone feels comfortable being plopped into a new culture—especially as a young student. Lauren found these extreme changes to be part of the norm in her childhood. In fact, coming to the US at age six was a huge adjustment for her! Through these experiences, she learned to sit back, observe, and THEN move forward in a new situation. Listen to find out how she hones her observing skills in her business endeavors today.
TWEET: Your #business is very different full-time, instead of just a #sidehustle. @Laurenignited
Lauren’s “Make it or Break it Year”---2016
Do you have the guts to exit the corporate world, uproot your life, and move across the country to launch full-time into your dreams? Lauren explains how she formulated a plan, a back-up plan, and manipulated her savings and support system to chase down her dreams as she moved from Houston to Chicago.
TWEET:  2016 was my “Primer Year.” Can #2017 be yours? @Laurenignited #Goals 
Do the things you are most passionate about
Lauren, who is NOT a “foodie,” decided to fuel her passion for local restaurants by highlighting and comparing the local food scenes of Houston and Chicago. She explains how her passion led to her podcast, Chefs Coast to Coast. Her other endeavors include Betsy Bash, inspired by her grandmothers, through which she helps clients with social media strategies. As if she doesn’t have enough to do, Lauren also runs Lauren Ignited, her “lifestyle magazine for culturally curious.” Whew! This is ONE BUSY LADY—and she’s not done yet! Lauren gives us just a hint at some of her big plans for 2017.
TWEET: Go into the #communities that make sense to you----and #thrive. @Laurenignited
[2:43] Does Lauren have a favorite country? She explains why she loved the whole globetrotting experience
[4:30] Why Lauren found life in the US a difficult adaptation to make after life in India
[6:05] Lauren’s school and career background: why it wasn’t fulfilling her creative side
[7:40] Working full-time in IT and part-time for Radio Disney, then making the move to start Betsy Bash and Lauren Ignited
[11:07] Checking in with yourself in those “freak-out” moments
[12:30] Lauren’s many endeavors, starting with her passion for the local restaurant scene differences between Houston and Chicago—Who knew?
[16:50] Looking for the best taco in Texas? Tune into Lauren’s “Tacos of Texas” podcast episode
[17:28] Why a podcast about food?
[19:25] Passion projects and income providers
[22:30] Betsy Bash: Who is she? Is she a real person?
[26:35] Keeping up with it all and being present
[27:20] Lauren’s offerings to clients and social media advice
[28:30] How to choose the right social media outlet for you and your business
[31:00] Why you should claim your name on each new social media channel right away!
[32:45] Lauren’s plans for 2017
[34:28] An actionable step that Lauren would tell someone who is chasing their dream?...

Lauren Ramsey is a social story teller. Growing up, she lived in five countries and visited thirty countries across four continents. For her, it was normal to learn to adapt to new cultures and environments. This unique skill set has complemented her analytical mind and helped her adapt to new teams, understand problems from a different point of view, and find new ways to tackle and solve any problem. She loves to get her creative juices flowing with ideas for her clients’ businesses, and she’s not afraid to try a new approach if something isn’t achieving the desired results. On a daily basis, she can be found creating social media strategies and posts for her clients at Betsy Bash, and formulating content strategy, articles, and podcast episodes for, her online magazine for music, food, travel, and culture enthusiasts.

TWEET: Ep. 75: @LaurenIgnited - Jumping from 9-5 #Cubiclelife to being your own #boss!


Developing your observing skills

Not everyone feels comfortable being plopped into a new culture—especially as a young student. Lauren found these extreme changes to be part of the norm in her childhood. In fact, coming to the US at age six was a huge adjustment for her! Through these experiences, she learned to sit back, observe, and THEN move forward in a new situation. Listen to find out how she hones her observing skills in her business endeavors today.

TWEET: Your #business is very different full-time, instead of just a #sidehustle. @Laurenignited


Lauren’s “Make it or Break it Year”---2016

Do you have the guts to exit the corporate world, uproot your life, and move across the country to launch full-time into your dreams? Lauren explains how she formulated a plan, a back-up plan, and manipulated her savings and support system to chase down her dreams as she moved from Houston to Chicago.

TWEET:  2016 was my “Primer Year.” Can #2017 be yours? @Laurenignited #Goals 



Do the things you are most passionate about

Lauren, who is NOT a “foodie,” decided to fuel her passion for local restaurants by highlighting and comparing the local food scenes of Houston and Chicago. She explains how her passion led to her podcast, Chefs Coast to Coast. Her other endeavors include Betsy Bash, inspired by her grandmothers, through which she helps clients with social media strategies. As if she doesn’t have enough to do, Lauren also runs Lauren Ignited, her “lifestyle magazine for culturally curious.” Whew! This is ONE BUSY LADY—and she’s not done yet! Lauren gives us just a hint at some of her big plans for 2017.

TWEET: Go into the #communities that make sense to you----and #thrive. @Laurenignited



[2:43] Does Lauren have a favorite country? She explains why she loved the whole globetrotting experience [4:30] Why Lauren found life in the US a difficult adaptation to make after life in India [6:05] Lauren’s school and career background: why it wasn’t fulfilling her creative side [7:40] Working full-time in IT and part-time for Radio Disney, then making the move to start Betsy Bash and Lauren Ignited [11:07] Checking in with yourself in those “freak-out” moments [12:30] Lauren’s many endeavors, starting with her passion for the local restaurant scene differences between Houston and Chicago—Who knew? [16:50] Looking for the best taco in Texas? Tune into Lauren’s “Tacos of Texas” podcast episode [17:28] Why a podcast about food? [19:25] Passion projects and income providers [22:30] Betsy Bash: Who is she? Is she a real person? [26:35] Keeping up with it all and being present [27:20] Lauren’s offerings to clients and social media advice [28:30] How to choose the right social media outlet for you and your business [31:00] Why you should claim your name on each new social media channel right away! [32:45] Lauren’s plans for 2017 [34:28] An actionable step that Lauren would tell someone who is chasing their dream? Really spend time building your business plan



Lauren on Twitter

Lauren on Facebook

Lauren on Instagram



Podcast: Chefs Coast to Coast Podcast



TWEET:  This is one of those things that I can’t NOT do. @Laurenignited #BeYourOwnBoss

TWEET:  My #goal is to have the #income of a 9-5 #salary, from my own #business. @Laurenignited 

TWEET:  You can’t make the #jump without a #plan——and #savings. @Laurenignited #BeYourOwnBoss


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