I’m excited to introduce you to a new friend that I met at a conference last October. If your life feels out of balance and out of whack, then this is the show for you. You’ll learn how to take action steps to become a more empowered and grounded person no matter what obstacles you face. 

Melanie C. Klein, M.A., is a sought-after empowerment coach and respected thought leader in the areas of authentic empowerment, visibility, and body confidence. She is also a successful writer, speaker, and Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies. With over two decades of professional and personal work, Melanie integrates her background in mindfulness and embodied wisdom with her academic expertise and advocacy work. In this way, she offers a holistic and unique pathway to personal freedom and prosperity, one that is customized to each individual. 

How to thrive

How do you meet new challenges? Melanie explains that mindset and a sense of self are two keys to thriving during a challenging time like going through a global pandemic. We know from this point forward, our new normal will become normal. To be empowered, we have to be deeply rooted in ourselves and discerning about helpful conversations and decisions, along with being conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The biggest, brightest expressions of ourselves aren’t dependent on external circumstances. The key question to ask is, “How am I approaching this?” It all comes down to mindset, so try to view each obstacle as a new opportunity.

TWEET: Try to view each obstacle as a new opportunity. @melmelklein #chasingdreams

Making your own choices

Are you honest with yourself? Times like these give us time and space to consider things we’ve overlooked in the past. When we’re forced into a slow-down mode, we have time to rest deeply and make informed decisions. We have to decide when to lean out and when to lean in. It’s essential to pay attention to your inner compass and become comfortable with yourself in this “dance of existence.” Melanie explains how to know when to flow and when to create more of a container for yourself.

TWEET: Slow-down mode gives us time to rest deeply and make informed decisions. @melmelklein #chasingdreams

The two M’s: meditation and mindfulness

What was your explosive moment? Melanie recalls the eye-opening experience of a class she took years ago that allowed her to understand more fully the systems and structures in the world. It helped her decide what her life’s work would be in what she calls “an explosive and liberating moment.” Soon after, she discovered yoga--way before yoga was cool. Pairing yoga with meditation has helped her develop a critical consciousness in the world, which has been fortified by her mindfulness practices. After more than 20 years of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, Melanie still turns to these practices daily to find balance in her life. 

TWEET: Melanie discovered yoga way before yoga was cool @melmelklein #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Get honest with yourself. Take ownership and accountability for what you do, and be completely real about what you want.”


[2:10] A return to what kind of normal?[8:57] Melanie’s advice about handling challenges[15:35] Don’t conform to the standards of others[19:19] Getting comfortable with your own choices[24:52] Is now the time?[26:21] The value of meditation and mindfulness[33:12] Limiting social media and notifications[38:35] ONE action for a dream chaser


Melanie’s Facebook


I’m excited to introduce you to a new friend that I met at a conference last October. If your life feels out of balance and out of whack, then this is the show for you. You’ll learn how to take action steps to become a more empowered and grounded person no matter what obstacles you face. 

Melanie C. Klein, M.A., is a sought-after empowerment coach and respected thought leader in the areas of authentic empowerment, visibility, and body confidence. She is also a successful writer, speaker, and Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies. With over two decades of professional and personal work, Melanie integrates her background in mindfulness and embodied wisdom with her academic expertise and advocacy work. In this way, she offers a holistic and unique pathway to personal freedom and prosperity, one that is customized to each individual. 

How to thrive

How do you meet new challenges? Melanie explains that mindset and a sense of self are two keys to thriving during a challenging time like going through a global pandemic. We know from this point forward, our new normal will become normal. To be empowered, we have to be deeply rooted in ourselves and discerning about helpful conversations and decisions, along with being conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The biggest, brightest expressions of ourselves aren’t dependent on external circumstances. The key question to ask is, “How am I approaching this?” It all comes down to mindset, so try to view each obstacle as a new opportunity.

TWEET: Try to view each obstacle as a new opportunity. @melmelklein #chasingdreams

Making your own choices

Are you honest with yourself? Times like these give us time and space to consider things we’ve overlooked in the past. When we’re forced into a slow-down mode, we have time to rest deeply and make informed decisions. We have to decide when to lean out and when to lean in. It’s essential to pay attention to your inner compass and become comfortable with yourself in this “dance of existence.” Melanie explains how to know when to flow and when to create more of a container for yourself.

TWEET: Slow-down mode gives us time to rest deeply and make informed decisions. @melmelklein #chasingdreams

The two M’s: meditation and mindfulness

What was your explosive moment? Melanie recalls the eye-opening experience of a class she took years ago that allowed her to understand more fully the systems and structures in the world. It helped her decide what her life’s work would be in what she calls “an explosive and liberating moment.” Soon after, she discovered yoga--way before yoga was cool. Pairing yoga with meditation has helped her develop a critical consciousness in the world, which has been fortified by her mindfulness practices. After more than 20 years of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, Melanie still turns to these practices daily to find balance in her life. 

TWEET: Melanie discovered yoga way before yoga was cool @melmelklein #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Get honest with yourself. Take ownership and accountability for what you do, and be completely real about what you want.”


[2:10] A return to what kind of normal?[8:57] Melanie’s advice about handling challenges[15:35] Don’t conform to the standards of others[19:19] Getting comfortable with your own choices[24:52] Is now the time?[26:21] The value of meditation and mindfulness[33:12] Limiting social media and notifications[38:35] ONE action for a dream chaser


Melanie’s Facebook

Melanie’s Instagram

Melanie’s Website

Purchase or Preview Yoga Rising!

Purchase or Preview Yoga and Body Image!

Yoga & Body Image Coalition

Watch the Episode on YouTube


A lot of people in our culture aren’t comfortable with any kind of pause or downtime. @melmelklein #chasingdreams

You have to learn when to lean in and when to lean out in your dance of existence. @melmelklein #chasingdreams

Acknowledge where you are in this moment and discern what you need right now.

Look at each obstacle as a new opportunity. @melmelklein #chasingdreams
