Even though you might not know it, you are a hero, and your life is a hero’s journey. Join us to gain a new perspective on your obstacles, struggles, choices, and victories, and learn why you must embrace the role of a mentor in helping others. 
J. Scott MacMillan is an author, filmmaker, and certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming life coach whose work centers around the theory of the Hero’s Journey. Drawing upon the concept’s relatable and inspirational nature, MacMillan has adopted tools to help himself and others over the last 15 years. MacMillan’s coaching business, Hero Life, uses behavioral learning techniques, adult learning theory, and the Hero’s Journey to help people create new patterns and apply critical thinking skills to daily life. Combining his personal life experiences and expertise in psychology, Scott helps people overcome periods of feeling stuck by working through fear and doubt to find their life purpose. His four-step plan is designed to help people reclaim their power, step into their authentic self, and become the hero of their own life. 
A full-circle journey
Did you know as a young person the path your life would take? Scott says that he had no clue what to do with his life when he was young. After getting a degree in psychology, he pursued a business career but knew he had an uncommon passion to keep learning. Within that passion, he found a knack for helping others get “unstuck” from the ruts in their lives. It took a full-circle journey for him to get where he is today. His theory of life as the Hero’s Journey is a new way to look at life in general, with a new understanding of what someone has experienced in having the courage to move past the fears and move forward. 
TWEET: Scott had an uncommon passion to keep learning. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams
The Hero’s Journey
Do you feel like a hero? Scott explains how a hero’s story resonates with all of us. He came up with 12 stages of the hero’s journey, which correspond to the life story of each person. The first four stages involve preparation for the journey, in which you learn to step out of comfort zones, overcome obstacles, and take risks. The next four stages in the journey are those of honing skills and learning. The last four stages are about finding the treasure and conquering the battle, meaning we’ve learned the lessons. The final stage is to tell our stories to help others--all because of what we’ve experienced. 
TWEET: The Hero’s Journey involves 12 stages that correspond to the life story of each person. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams
Limiting beliefs
What are your limiting beliefs? We all have limiting beliefs, which are the beliefs we create to protect ourselves, like when we say, “I’m not good enough.” We form these beliefs in childhood, and then we use them as armor that we put up as we go through life. We use these limiting beliefs to sabotage our progress as adults. Remember that every limiting belief is a false belief. Scott’s coaching program uses a simple process of identifying, clearing out, and reversing these limiting beliefs. He uses visualization and meditation to lock in the new belief and rewire your brain for success.
TWEET: Limiting beliefs sabotage our progress as adults. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams
Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Next time you watch a movie, look for the hero’s journey where they jump into the unknown world. Thinking this way will change the way you watch movies.”
[1:19] Young Scott’s dreams
[4:09] It’s never too late for a hero’s journey
[5:39] The Hero’s Journey
[14:44] When the hero becomes a mentor
[16:47] The danger of limiting beliefs
[19:57] The process of helping people
[21:25] The perspective of looking back on your journey
[25:45] Tips for the journey
[30:09] ONE action for a dream chaser
[31:09] Get to know Scott better

Even though you might not know it, you are a hero, and your life is a hero’s journey. Join us to gain a new perspective on your obstacles, struggles, choices, and victories, and learn why you must embrace the role of a mentor in helping others. 

J. Scott MacMillan is an author, filmmaker, and certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming life coach whose work centers around the theory of the Hero’s Journey. Drawing upon the concept’s relatable and inspirational nature, MacMillan has adopted tools to help himself and others over the last 15 years. MacMillan’s coaching business, Hero Life, uses behavioral learning techniques, adult learning theory, and the Hero’s Journey to help people create new patterns and apply critical thinking skills to daily life. Combining his personal life experiences and expertise in psychology, Scott helps people overcome periods of feeling stuck by working through fear and doubt to find their life purpose. His four-step plan is designed to help people reclaim their power, step into their authentic self, and become the hero of their own life. 

A full-circle journey

Did you know as a young person the path your life would take? Scott says that he had no clue what to do with his life when he was young. After getting a degree in psychology, he pursued a business career but knew he had an uncommon passion to keep learning. Within that passion, he found a knack for helping others get “unstuck” from the ruts in their lives. It took a full-circle journey for him to get where he is today. His theory of life as the Hero’s Journey is a new way to look at life in general, with a new understanding of what someone has experienced in having the courage to move past the fears and move forward. 

TWEET: Scott had an uncommon passion to keep learning. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

The Hero’s Journey

Do you feel like a hero? Scott explains how a hero’s story resonates with all of us. He came up with 12 stages of the hero’s journey, which correspond to the life story of each person. The first four stages involve preparation for the journey, in which you learn to step out of comfort zones, overcome obstacles, and take risks. The next four stages in the journey are those of honing skills and learning. The last four stages are about finding the treasure and conquering the battle, meaning we’ve learned the lessons. The final stage is to tell our stories to help others--all because of what we’ve experienced. 

TWEET: The Hero’s Journey involves 12 stages that correspond to the life story of each person. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

Limiting beliefs

What are your limiting beliefs? We all have limiting beliefs, which are the beliefs we create to protect ourselves, like when we say, “I’m not good enough.” We form these beliefs in childhood, and then we use them as armor that we put up as we go through life. We use these limiting beliefs to sabotage our progress as adults. Remember that every limiting belief is a false belief. Scott’s coaching program uses a simple process of identifying, clearing out, and reversing these limiting beliefs. He uses visualization and meditation to lock in the new belief and rewire your brain for success.

TWEET: Limiting beliefs sabotage our progress as adults. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Next time you watch a movie, look for the hero’s journey where they jump into the unknown world. Thinking this way will change the way you watch movies.”


[1:19] Young Scott’s dreams [4:09] It’s never too late for a hero’s journey [5:39] The Hero’s Journey [14:44] When the hero becomes a mentor [16:47] The danger of limiting beliefs [19:57] The process of helping people [21:25] The perspective of looking back on your journey [25:45] Tips for the journey [30:09] ONE action for a dream chaser [31:09] Get to know Scott better


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Be the Hero of Your Life: Ditch the Excuses, Take Your Hero's Journey, and Find Your Life's Purpose by J. Scott MacMillan

Watch the Episode on YouTube

Find the new podcast, Your Personal Hype Man with Aimee J, at www.yourpersonalhypeman.com   


We’ve all had to become a hero to fight through issues in our lives. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

Every person’s life is a hero’s journey. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

Goal-setting becomes easy when limiting beliefs are out of the way. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

Most often, the thing that sabotages us is a limiting belief we formed in childhood. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

You can rewire your brain for success. @jscottmacmillan #chasingdreams

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