Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’m excited about 2020, and I have confidence and good feelings that it will be the Year of Awesome for me---and I hope for you, too!

In today’s solo episode by me, I’m sharing Ten Lessons I’ve learned from my past. I hope you’ll listen and take action as we count them down from ten. 

10. You can’t do it alone. You need a coach or mentor or someone to help you. I share personal experiences I’ve had with taking online courses, of which some are great, and some, not so much. The ones that include a coaching component are the most helpful. Find someone who will coach and guide you on your journey.

TWEET: Find someone to guide you on your journey. #chasingdreams

9. It’s the journey, not the goal. Work toward your dreams, even if you don’t achieve them. The journey to the goal should be joyful and invigorating. Enjoy the journey with all the highs, the lows, and each experience of your adventure.

TWEET: Enjoy the journey! #chasingdreams

8. Allow yourself the grace to make mistakes and keep moving. We are our worst critics and worst enemies. We hold ourselves back because we don’t allow our mistakes to happen, and we don’t offer ourselves forgiveness. We feel like we have to punish ourselves for our mistakes. Don’t let your mistake last longer than it needs to.

TWEET: Allow yourself the grace to make mistakes. #chasingdreams

7. Find opportunities for yourself along the way. Humble yourself and find the power and value of volunteering or being an intern. Take a chance. You never know what will happen in your story. Don’t stay in the box. Get a shovel and make your own path. Listen to the inspiring story of my podcast producer, Ruth, in Kenya.

TWEET: Be humble. #chasingdreams

6. Embrace your fears. This is my new motto for 2020. Fear is what holds most people back from chasing their dreams. What are you afraid of? Make a list. Do your research and figure out how to overcome those fears. If you don’t know how, please message me and let me help.

TWEET: Embrace your fears and overcome them.  #chasingdreams

5. Be happy. Life is too short for anything else! You can’t be happy 24/7, but there can be more ups than downs. Spend time with your loved ones. Go on adventures. Do what makes YOU happy, not what makes other people happy.

TWEET: Do what makes YOU happy. #chasingdreams

4. What are you waiting for? Don’t follow society’s rules for what everyone else thinks you should do. Don’t let anyone tell you what the deadline is for marriage, having kids, a certain job, or a vacation. Don’t wait! You never know what life will throw at you.

TWEET: Don’t wait. #chasingdreams

3. Take care of your mental health. I found myself anxious, stressed, and depressed after a car accident earlier this year. I saw a therapist who helped me talk through what I was feeling and why. It is vitally important to advocate for your mental health.

TWEET: Be your own mental health advocate. #chasingdreams

2. Make your own choices. This has been a struggle for me, and it’s a lesson that took a while for me to learn. This is YOUR life, so don’t let other people pressure you to make certain choices. I was 28 years old when I made the first decision for myself about my education and my career.

TWEET: This is YOUR life. #chasingdreams

1. Do random acts of kindness. Look for ways to do things that make other people happy without looking for recognition. There is great power in living this way.

TWEET: Do random acts of kindness. #chasingdreams

0. My theme for 2020: I am enough. There are things I want to do to improve myself, but I am enough right now. 

TWEET: I am enough. #chasingdreams


[2:25] Ten Lessons[4:03] You can’t do it alone[10:07] It’s the journey, not the goal[14:26] Allow your mistakes and...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’m excited about 2020, and I have confidence and good feelings that it will be the Year of Awesome for me---and I hope for you, too!

In today’s solo episode by me, I’m sharing Ten Lessons I’ve learned from my past. I hope you’ll listen and take action as we count them down from ten. 

10. You can’t do it alone. You need a coach or mentor or someone to help you. I share personal experiences I’ve had with taking online courses, of which some are great, and some, not so much. The ones that include a coaching component are the most helpful. Find someone who will coach and guide you on your journey.

TWEET: Find someone to guide you on your journey. #chasingdreams

9. It’s the journey, not the goal. Work toward your dreams, even if you don’t achieve them. The journey to the goal should be joyful and invigorating. Enjoy the journey with all the highs, the lows, and each experience of your adventure.

TWEET: Enjoy the journey! #chasingdreams

8. Allow yourself the grace to make mistakes and keep moving. We are our worst critics and worst enemies. We hold ourselves back because we don’t allow our mistakes to happen, and we don’t offer ourselves forgiveness. We feel like we have to punish ourselves for our mistakes. Don’t let your mistake last longer than it needs to.

TWEET: Allow yourself the grace to make mistakes. #chasingdreams

7. Find opportunities for yourself along the way. Humble yourself and find the power and value of volunteering or being an intern. Take a chance. You never know what will happen in your story. Don’t stay in the box. Get a shovel and make your own path. Listen to the inspiring story of my podcast producer, Ruth, in Kenya.

TWEET: Be humble. #chasingdreams

6. Embrace your fears. This is my new motto for 2020. Fear is what holds most people back from chasing their dreams. What are you afraid of? Make a list. Do your research and figure out how to overcome those fears. If you don’t know how, please message me and let me help.

TWEET: Embrace your fears and overcome them.  #chasingdreams

5. Be happy. Life is too short for anything else! You can’t be happy 24/7, but there can be more ups than downs. Spend time with your loved ones. Go on adventures. Do what makes YOU happy, not what makes other people happy.

TWEET: Do what makes YOU happy. #chasingdreams

4. What are you waiting for? Don’t follow society’s rules for what everyone else thinks you should do. Don’t let anyone tell you what the deadline is for marriage, having kids, a certain job, or a vacation. Don’t wait! You never know what life will throw at you.

TWEET: Don’t wait. #chasingdreams

3. Take care of your mental health. I found myself anxious, stressed, and depressed after a car accident earlier this year. I saw a therapist who helped me talk through what I was feeling and why. It is vitally important to advocate for your mental health.

TWEET: Be your own mental health advocate. #chasingdreams

2. Make your own choices. This has been a struggle for me, and it’s a lesson that took a while for me to learn. This is YOUR life, so don’t let other people pressure you to make certain choices. I was 28 years old when I made the first decision for myself about my education and my career.

TWEET: This is YOUR life. #chasingdreams

1. Do random acts of kindness. Look for ways to do things that make other people happy without looking for recognition. There is great power in living this way.

TWEET: Do random acts of kindness. #chasingdreams

0. My theme for 2020: I am enough. There are things I want to do to improve myself, but I am enough right now. 

TWEET: I am enough. #chasingdreams


[2:25] Ten Lessons[4:03] You can’t do it alone[10:07] It’s the journey, not the goal[14:26] Allow your mistakes and keep moving[16:28] Find opportunities along the way[22:15] Embrace your fears[26:08] Be happy[27:40] What are you waiting for?[33:31] Take care of your mental health[38:41] Make your own choices[44:58] Random acts of kindness[48:00] I am enough


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Watch the episode on YouTube 


If there is no path for what you want to do, then create the path yourself. #chasingdreams

You have to find what fits and works for you. #chasingdreams

Don’t focus on the goal so much that you neglect other areas of life. #chasingdreams

Life is too short for you to be anything but happy. #chasingdreams

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