It’s here! Episode 200! There are no words for the excitement I feel in reaching this milestone. Thank you for whatever part you’ve played in helping us get here, whether you’re a past guest, a faithful supporter, or a brand-new listener. I’m glad you’re on this journey with me!
As we wrap up Season 2 and look toward a new season, there will be inevitable changes as we move forward. One of those will be incorporating bonus material from our Behind-the-Scenes interviews into each show to help you get to know each guest a little better. As a prelude to this change, I’m beginning today’s show by answering some sample questions. You’ll hear what I wished I had learned in school, the number one item on my bucket list, who I would choose for TIME magazine’s person of the year, and what idea of mine might make $1 million one day. 
Speak up!
Are you a “feedback” kind of person? So many people aren’t! They think that they are just one voice that can’t possibly make a difference, but that is SO wrong. The very fact that this podcast has progressed to Episode 200 is a testament to the power of positive feedback. Let someone know if their creation in any form has helped, encouraged, informed, or inspired you. It’s so important, and it may be just the word they need to keep going. You may not think you can make a difference, but, trust me, having “feedback people” in your corner is a godsend. 
TWEET: There have been moments when I didn’t think anyone was listening to the podcast. #chasingdreams
Motivation, not money
Have you ever thought about what it takes to secure guests for a podcast? It’s not an easy thing to do! I noticed (on our way to #200) that I had an abundance of guests talking about their businesses, and I realized that that’s not what I intend the show to be about. I don’t want to have a guest simply for the sake of filling a spot on the show, but I want to feature people who are chasing their dreams---not just chasing money. My purpose is to highlight the motivation that it takes to pursue a dream.
TWEET: Financial accounting and management should be taught in high school, not college. #chasingdreams
Top 5 lessons from our guests
As we looked back over 200 episodes, what are the best pieces of advice given by our guests? We put together a list of the top 5---and here they are!
5. Mentorship: the need for someone to guide and help
4. (tie) Stay true to yourself: be honest about your dream
3. Write down your dreams: this makes it more real
2. Have courage: this is easy to say, but tough to do
1. Go for it: the world needs what you have to offer
TWEET: Every dream starts with a small step: don’t think you have to begin with a big jump! #chasingdreams
[1:33] My answers to behind-the-scenes questions
[5:56] When I felt like quitting
[9:25] The journey to 200
[11:14] Chasing dreams--not money
[12:53] What I’ve learned from my guests
[21:35] A time and a season for change
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Aimee on (LinkedIn)
TWEET: Compliments and feedback are fuel for the fire to keep going. #chasingdreams
TWEET: Rethinking and making changes are part of life. #chasingdreams
TWEET: It’s not about the destination, but about the journey and the purpose. #chasingdreams

It’s here! Episode 200! There are no words for the excitement I feel in reaching this milestone. Thank you for whatever part you’ve played in helping us get here, whether you’re a past guest, a faithful supporter, or a brand-new listener. I’m glad you’re on this journey with me!

As we wrap up Season 2 and look toward a new season, there will be inevitable changes as we move forward. One of those will be incorporating bonus material from our Behind-the-Scenes interviews into each show to help you get to know each guest a little better. As a prelude to this change, I’m beginning today’s show by answering some sample questions. You’ll hear what I wished I had learned in school, the number one item on my bucket list, who I would choose for TIME magazine’s person of the year, and what idea of mine might make $1 million one day. 

Speak up!

Are you a “feedback” kind of person? So many people aren’t! They think that they are just one voice that can’t possibly make a difference, but that is SO wrong. The very fact that this podcast has progressed to Episode 200 is a testament to the power of positive feedback. Let someone know if their creation in any form has helped, encouraged, informed, or inspired you. It’s so important, and it may be just the word they need to keep going. You may not think you can make a difference, but, trust me, having “feedback people” in your corner is a godsend. 

TWEET: There have been moments when I didn’t think anyone was listening to the podcast. #chasingdreams

Motivation, not money

Have you ever thought about what it takes to secure guests for a podcast? It’s not an easy thing to do! I noticed (on our way to #200) that I had an abundance of guests talking about their businesses, and I realized that that’s not what I intend the show to be about. I don’t want to have a guest simply for the sake of filling a spot on the show, but I want to feature people who are chasing their dreams---not just chasing money. My purpose is to highlight the motivation that it takes to pursue a dream.

TWEET: Financial accounting and management should be taught in high school, not college. #chasingdreams

Top 5 lessons from our guests

As we looked back over 200 episodes, what are the best pieces of advice given by our guests? We put together a list of the top 5---and here they are!

5. Mentorship: the need for someone to guide and help

4. (tie) Stay true to yourself: be honest about your dream

3. Write down your dreams: this makes it more real

2. Have courage: this is easy to say, but tough to do

1. Go for it: the world needs what you have to offer

TWEET: Every dream starts with a small step: don’t think you have to begin with a big jump! #chasingdreams



[1:33] My answers to behind-the-scenes questions [5:56] When I felt like quitting [9:25] The journey to 200 [11:14] Chasing dreams--not money [12:53] What I’ve learned from my guests [21:35] A time and a season for change



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TWEET: Compliments and feedback are fuel for the fire to keep going. #chasingdreams

TWEET: Rethinking and making changes are part of life. #chasingdreams

TWEET: It’s not about the destination, but about the journey and the purpose. #chasingdreams

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