How many times do you take the “glass half empty” approach? What would happen if you adopted an abundance mindset instead of dwelling on what you lack? Today’s guest drops truth bombs left and right about how your mindset affects your accomplishments.

L’areal Lipkins is a success strategist, vision board extraordinaire, and author of the brand new book, A Woman With Vision: How to Fulfill the Goals and Dreams God Has Given You. After 10 years of doing sales training and consulting, L’areal left her corporate job to teach women how to elevate their mindset so they can actually execute their goals.

An abundance mindset

Do you love to play the victim? Unfortunately, our culture seems to give a sense of power in being the victim. When I play the victim, I can blame someone else, and I don’t have to take ownership of my actions, my results, and my life. L’areal says, “You can’t be the victim and win at the same time.” We all have a “before,” and L’areal teaches that we have to shift our mindset to get past that moment in time to get what we desire. Don’t live in the victim mentality!

TWEET: If I can blame someone else, then that means I don’t have to change. #chasingdreams

A vision board is not a dream board

Have you made a vision board? L’areal says that there is a huge difference between a vision board and a dream board. There’s nothing wrong with dreams, but your vision board should show what you are committing to do NOW. It’s a road map of things to be checked off. She says we shouldn’t rely on social media for our definition of success. In spite of social media, it’s a challenge to maintain our perspective. She explains the four components of a vision board: clarity, planning, execution, and mindset.

TWEET: I teach a different process to create a vision board, along with a different mindset. #chasingdreams

L’areal’s Aha moment

Have you had Aha moments in your life? When L’areal was going through a personal spiral, she came to the realization that who she was at THAT moment was not the person capable of accomplishing the goals she had. Personality traits, tendencies, and habits may have to change if you’re serious about reaching your goals. There is a constant evolving of who we are as our beliefs and behaviors align with the steps we need to take to “get there.”

TWEET: If your goals are random, your life will be random. #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take: “Get clear about what you absolutely want, not what you think you deserve. Be 100% committed to making that happen.”


[:33] An abundance mindset[3:29] We all have a “before”[4:32] You manifest your mindset[6:32] Outgrow yourself[8:53] The reality of change[10:37] Social media as a vision board[12:39] Clarity, planning, execution, and mindset[15:25] Why execution is “the secret sauce”[16:42] Who I must become[18:57] Writing a book in 21 days[20:59] What are you willing to work for?[23:23] When you fall short[27:41] This OR that vs. this AND that[31:29] The turnaround for L’areal’s clients[33:47] Getting unstuck[35:02] ONE action for a dream chaser

RESOURCES MENTIONED:   Find the behind-the-scenes interview for more with L’areal.  Find out how to join our Fundathon and help the show!

L’areal on Facebook

L’areal on

How many times do you take the “glass half empty” approach? What would happen if you adopted an abundance mindset instead of dwelling on what you lack? Today’s guest drops truth bombs left and right about how your mindset affects your accomplishments.

L’areal Lipkins is a success strategist, vision board extraordinaire, and author of the brand new book, A Woman With Vision: How to Fulfill the Goals and Dreams God Has Given You. After 10 years of doing sales training and consulting, L’areal left her corporate job to teach women how to elevate their mindset so they can actually execute their goals.

An abundance mindset

Do you love to play the victim? Unfortunately, our culture seems to give a sense of power in being the victim. When I play the victim, I can blame someone else, and I don’t have to take ownership of my actions, my results, and my life. L’areal says, “You can’t be the victim and win at the same time.” We all have a “before,” and L’areal teaches that we have to shift our mindset to get past that moment in time to get what we desire. Don’t live in the victim mentality!

TWEET: If I can blame someone else, then that means I don’t have to change. #chasingdreams

A vision board is not a dream board

Have you made a vision board? L’areal says that there is a huge difference between a vision board and a dream board. There’s nothing wrong with dreams, but your vision board should show what you are committing to do NOW. It’s a road map of things to be checked off. She says we shouldn’t rely on social media for our definition of success. In spite of social media, it’s a challenge to maintain our perspective. She explains the four components of a vision board: clarity, planning, execution, and mindset.

TWEET: I teach a different process to create a vision board, along with a different mindset. #chasingdreams

L’areal’s Aha moment

Have you had Aha moments in your life? When L’areal was going through a personal spiral, she came to the realization that who she was at THAT moment was not the person capable of accomplishing the goals she had. Personality traits, tendencies, and habits may have to change if you’re serious about reaching your goals. There is a constant evolving of who we are as our beliefs and behaviors align with the steps we need to take to “get there.”

TWEET: If your goals are random, your life will be random. #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take: “Get clear about what you absolutely want, not what you think you deserve. Be 100% committed to making that happen.”


[:33] An abundance mindset[3:29] We all have a “before”[4:32] You manifest your mindset[6:32] Outgrow yourself[8:53] The reality of change[10:37] Social media as a vision board[12:39] Clarity, planning, execution, and mindset[15:25] Why execution is “the secret sauce”[16:42] Who I must become[18:57] Writing a book in 21 days[20:59] What are you willing to work for?[23:23] When you fall short[27:41] This OR that vs. this AND that[31:29] The turnaround for L’areal’s clients[33:47] Getting unstuck[35:02] ONE action for a dream chaser

RESOURCES MENTIONED:   Find the behind-the-scenes interview for more with L’areal.  Find out how to join our Fundathon and help the show!

L’areal on Facebook

L’areal on Instagram

Find the Behind-the-Scenes interview for more with L'Areal on YouTube


TWEET: A goal is not a wish; a goal is something that moves you forward. #chasingdreams

TWEET: Sometimes we’re more committed to where we are than where we are going. #chasingdreams