When you're a kid, people often ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" My answer was always, "I'd love to be an artist." I never considered the fact that I already was one. Somewhere along the line, Shanda Kay lost sight of her childhood passion for art. Today, however, she’s re-found her passion and is back to creating artwork that inspires the viewer to live life to the fullest. She is a fan of the podcast and I thought it would be fitting to have her on as we celebrate 3 years of Chasing Dreams this week.
Making changes
Do you remember what you loved most when you were young? For Shanda, it was always art, but she left it behind as she grew up. She didn’t go to college, because she never liked school that much. After working in the foodservice industry for awhile, she found a job at the local post office, where she has worked for 25 years. As she entered midlife, the inevitable crisis hit, and she even experienced some depressive symptoms that prompted her to look for a change. Shanda discovered the inspiration to be gained from listening to podcasts and then joined a Mastermind group.
TWEET: Rediscovering a long lost passion can be just what you need to lift your mood. #chasingdreams
Trying to feel normal again
What changes would you make to feel good about your life and “normal” again? Shanda was interested in something other than her post office job, even though it’s been a good job for her. It’s very physical and she knew her body was taking a hit, and even worse, she was feeling depressed and discouraged about the state of her life. She listened to a Chasing Dreams episode one day when the guest’s words pierced her heart and brought her to tears. It was only one year ago when she hired a business coach for help, because NOT doing something about chasing her dreams was bringing her down in every way.
TWEET: Not chasing your dreams can do more harm to you than the fear of chasing your dreams and failing. #chasingdreams
Making stuff
What plans would you put in place if you walked away from your job? Shanda had the lofty idea to open a bed and breakfast in her large home, but something about that just didn’t seem right. She went to a couple of business conferences and kept hearing forms of the “Work IN your business and not ON your business” mantra. Something kept telling her to “just make stuff and be creative,” so that’s what she has focused on. She is now inspiring people with her artwork. 
TWEET: Work ON your business, not IN your business. #chasingdreams
Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Focus. That is the name of my artwork for Art Prize this year.”
[1:42] How I connected with Shanda
[6:20] Showing artistic ability
[9:03] Why Shanda listened to podcasts
[13:21] How Shanda found Chasing Dreams and was inspired
[17:47] Using a business coach for help
[21:40] Figuring out what to do
[24:12] ONE action for a dream chaser
Shanda on Facebook - Simply Make It Count 
Shanda on Instagram 
Ellory Well's podcast episode Ten Questions You Should Ask Before You Hire a Coach [EWS6]
http://www.karyoberbrunner.com (Kary Oberbrunner )
http://www.simplymakeitcount.libsyn.com (Shanda’s podcast)
http://www.artprize.org/shanda-heilman (Art Prize) 
http://www.artprize.org/67228 (Focus on Art Prize)
TWEET: I’m lucky to live in a town where art is accepted, promoted, and encouraged. #chasingdreams
TWEET: Podcasts have gotten me through a lot of rough days at work and at home. #chasingdreams
TWEET: I decided to feel what I need to feel and do what I need to do. #chasingdreams

When you're a kid, people often ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" My answer was always, "I'd love to be an artist." I never considered the fact that I already was one. Somewhere along the line, Shanda Kay lost sight of her childhood passion for art. Today, however, she’s re-found her passion and is back to creating artwork that inspires the viewer to live life to the fullest. She is a fan of the podcast and I thought it would be fitting to have her on as we celebrate 3 years of Chasing Dreams this week.

Making changes

Do you remember what you loved most when you were young? For Shanda, it was always art, but she left it behind as she grew up. She didn’t go to college, because she never liked school that much. After working in the foodservice industry for awhile, she found a job at the local post office, where she has worked for 25 years. As she entered midlife, the inevitable crisis hit, and she even experienced some depressive symptoms that prompted her to look for a change. Shanda discovered the inspiration to be gained from listening to podcasts and then joined a Mastermind group.

TWEET: Rediscovering a long lost passion can be just what you need to lift your mood. #chasingdreams

Trying to feel normal again

What changes would you make to feel good about your life and “normal” again? Shanda was interested in something other than her post office job, even though it’s been a good job for her. It’s very physical and she knew her body was taking a hit, and even worse, she was feeling depressed and discouraged about the state of her life. She listened to a Chasing Dreams episode one day when the guest’s words pierced her heart and brought her to tears. It was only one year ago when she hired a business coach for help, because NOT doing something about chasing her dreams was bringing her down in every way.

TWEET: Not chasing your dreams can do more harm to you than the fear of chasing your dreams and failing. #chasingdreams

Making stuff

What plans would you put in place if you walked away from your job? Shanda had the lofty idea to open a bed and breakfast in her large home, but something about that just didn’t seem right. She went to a couple of business conferences and kept hearing forms of the “Work IN your business and not ON your business” mantra. Something kept telling her to “just make stuff and be creative,” so that’s what she has focused on. She is now inspiring people with her artwork. 

TWEET: Work ON your business, not IN your business. #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take--”Focus. That is the name of my artwork for Art Prize this year.”


[1:42] How I connected with Shanda [6:20] Showing artistic ability [9:03] Why Shanda listened to podcasts [13:21] How Shanda found Chasing Dreams and was inspired [17:47] Using a business coach for help [21:40] Figuring out what to do [24:12] ONE action for a dream chaser


Shanda on Facebook - Simply Make It Count 

Shanda on Instagram 

Ellory Well's podcast episode Ten Questions You Should Ask Before You Hire a Coach [EWS6]

Kary Oberbrunner 

Shanda’s podcast

Art Prize 

Focus on Art Prize



TWEET: I’m lucky to live in a town where art is accepted, promoted, and encouraged. #chasingdreams

TWEET: Podcasts have gotten me through a lot of rough days at work and at home. #chasingdreams

TWEET: I decided to feel what I need to feel and do what I need to do. #chasingdreams