Natalie Jennings just went the minimalist route, sold most of her “stuff,” and will be setting out to explore new places this fall. She is a photographer, podcaster, teacher, and the founder of A Face Project, which received a 2013 Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant. Her photo work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, and Mojo.
The Goal
Don’t we all crave more flexibility and control over our time? For Natalie, this was always the motivator in her life. She wanted the kind of lifestyle where she wasn’t just living for weekends and vacations. You may think this lifestyle is “the impossible dream,” but Natalie explains how it can be achievable and accessible if you plan ahead. 
TWEET: “The idea of going into the same workplace every day just didn’t resonate with me.” @afaceproject
The Fire
Have you ever felt the fire that spurs you on to something new? Like most of us, Natalie was busy, working hard to gradually chase her dreams. There came a time when teaching was not fulfilling and she felt the urgency of the FIRE that got her going to something new. You can make the same thing happen for you if you feel the fire to change your life!
TWEET: “I thrive having complete #creative control over what I’m doing.” @afaceproject
Let it Evolve
Are you open to letting your vision evolve and grow? Sometimes, our ideas evolve into something we never envisioned. Natalie explains why you shouldn’t be too rigid, but be open to feedback and seeing how things go. We all need specific goals to help us be accountable and stay on track, but don’t limit yourself. Remember, EVERYTHING doesn’t have to be “on the table” at DAY ONE.
TWEET: “I look at my #camera and realize it’s taken me to so many places.” @afaceproject
Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream-chaser to take—“Make sure that you believe you can achieve your goal. Do whatever you need to do to have the positive mindset through the ups and downs of growing a business.”
[1:27] Going minimalist
[4:24] Intentional steps to minimalism
[7:00] From teaching to photography
[9:29] Falling in love with photography
[11:06] Making this lifestyle WORK
[13:12] Gradually chasing dreams through transition
[14:44] Making it happen: Natalie’s plans to travel
[17:16] Having confidence in what you do
[18:20] How A Face Project was born and Natalie’s team was created
[22:33] Being open to how your ideas evolve over time
[25:34] Phone photos vs. camera photos
[27:42] Advice to aspiring photographers: it comes down to persistence
[31:30] How photo technology has changed over the years
[32:44] Natalie’s favorite camera
[34:14] Natalie’s ONE action 
Website:   and
Natalie on Instagram 
Natalie on Twitter
Natalie on Facebook: @njenningsphoto  and @afaceproject
TWEET: “It all wasn’t ‘on the table’ on DAY ONE. Be open to how things evolve.” @afaceproject
TWEET: “Your best #work will be where you are naturally drawn.” @afaceproject

Natalie Jennings just went the minimalist route, sold most of her “stuff,” and will be setting out to explore new places this fall. She is a photographer, podcaster, teacher, and the founder of A Face Project, which received a 2013 Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant. Her photo work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, and Mojo.

The Goal

Don’t we all crave more flexibility and control over our time? For Natalie, this was always the motivator in her life. She wanted the kind of lifestyle where she wasn’t just living for weekends and vacations. You may think this lifestyle is “the impossible dream,” but Natalie explains how it can be achievable and accessible if you plan ahead. 

TWEET: “The idea of going into the same workplace every day just didn’t resonate with me.” @afaceproject

The Fire

Have you ever felt the fire that spurs you on to something new? Like most of us, Natalie was busy, working hard to gradually chase her dreams. There came a time when teaching was not fulfilling and she felt the urgency of the FIRE that got her going to something new. You can make the same thing happen for you if you feel the fire to change your life!

TWEET: “I thrive having complete #creative control over what I’m doing.” @afaceproject

Let it Evolve

Are you open to letting your vision evolve and grow? Sometimes, our ideas evolve into something we never envisioned. Natalie explains why you shouldn’t be too rigid, but be open to feedback and seeing how things go. We all need specific goals to help us be accountable and stay on track, but don’t limit yourself. Remember, EVERYTHING doesn’t have to be “on the table” at DAY ONE.

TWEET: “I look at my #camera and realize it’s taken me to so many places.” @afaceproject


Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream-chaser to take—“Make sure that you believe you can achieve your goal. Do whatever you need to do to have the positive mindset through the ups and downs of growing a business.”


[1:27] Going minimalist [4:24] Intentional steps to minimalism [7:00] From teaching to photography [9:29] Falling in love with photography [11:06] Making this lifestyle WORK [13:12] Gradually chasing dreams through transition [14:44] Making it happen: Natalie’s plans to travel [17:16] Having confidence in what you do [18:20] How A Face Project was born and Natalie’s team was created [22:33] Being open to how your ideas evolve over time [25:34] Phone photos vs. camera photos [27:42] Advice to aspiring photographers: it comes down to persistence [31:30] How photo technology has changed over the years [32:44] Natalie’s favorite camera [34:14] Natalie’s ONE action 



Website:   and

Natalie on Instagram 

Natalie on Twitter

Natalie on Facebook: @njenningsphoto  and @afaceproject



TWEET: “It all wasn’t ‘on the table’ on DAY ONE. Be open to how things evolve.” @afaceproject

TWEET: “Your best #work will be where you are naturally drawn.” @afaceproject





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