Join us in this last episode of Season 1 as we chat all about creative breaks, setting goals for yourself even during the slow seasons, and strategies for handling your online life when you're actively avoiding the online world. Whether you're a brand new listener or have been with us from the beginning, we can't thank you enough for joining us in the conversation here on Chasing Creative!

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Links and resources from this episode:


Inbox Pause

Boomerang for Gmail

“Don't Carpe Diem” post by Momastery

Coffee + Crumbs blog

Tip from Abbie: Listen to podcasts and/or audiobooks at 1.5 speed

How and Why to Clean Out Your TBR List on Ashley's blog, and the original post that inspired the cleanout, How to Spring Clean Your Goodreads TBR Pile from BookRiot

Other podcasts we love and recommend

Coffee + Crumbs podcast (Start with the episode about potty training!)

Freakonomics (Abbie recommends the episodes about the gender pay gap and the economics of sleep.)

Lazy Genius podcast with Kendra Adachi

#Createlounge podcast with Kayla Hollatz

Hope*Writers podcast

Uniquely Woman podcast

Mini Book Club

Middlemarch by George Eliot

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

The Unraveling of Mercy Louis by Keija Parssinen

7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker

Bleak House by Charles Dickens

Euphoria by Lily King

Quotes from the episode

“It’s kind of crazy that we have goals for our break.” --- Abbie

“I don’t know that I’ve given myself a true creative break since I started blogging in 2014.” --- Abbie

“I feel this desperation to enjoy the summer and I get really resentful of things that take me away from that. I try to drop as many projects as I can that I can’t do outside.” --- Ashley

“There’s just these tiny little things that distract you from the things that are actually important to you.” --- Ashley

“Think of one thing that distracts you and figure out how you can turn off that one thing for a little bit.” --- Ashley

“Reading isn’t supposed to be essential. It’s supposed to be fun.” --- Abbie

Here’s where to find Ashley:





Here’s where to find Abbigail:





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