Today's guest on the WOMEMBER episode is the first Austrian explorer on the podcast! She wants to be called Roach and she has been exploring abandoned places for over 10 years. We talked about elitism and she tried to answer the question: "Does elitism exist in urbex"? Roach also shared few stories with one particularly memorable of the time when she went exploring abandoned location in Berlin and came across two runaway kids. Little did she know, one of them had a special "sizable" present waiting for her. At the end of the episode I also share a story about Kings Park Psychiatric Center. You can find Roach on Instagram at adventures_of_the_roach and her blog is

Chasing Bandos Podcast is available on or your favourite podcasting app. Check out the pictures of our guest on Instagram at chasingbandospod. And if you feel like supporting the podcast consider our patreon:

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Why 'urbex explorers' don't share exact locations here:

Intro song is Watcha Gon' Do is performed by Chris Shards [EPIDEMIC SOUND MUSIC LICENSE]. Rapid fire round background songs are: Greaser by TrackTribe and Bill Higley by Mini Vandals.

Viewer discretion announcement at the beginning of the episode was done by Adrian Wunderler-Selby.