This episode features Miss Jordan – a private medicine woman, soul surgeon (as she calls
herself), motivational speaker, and spiritual guide. She shared how she found her purpose and
is doing what she loves: guiding people. She also addresses the facets of a woman, how life
changes are valuable for our growth, and why we should not fear the idea of mirroring our

● Concept of limitlessness [6:00]

“Utilizing that trigger, that charge of comparisonitis, jealousy, and impostor syndrome to ‘oh wait,
she has that?’, I have that. I feel that I have that, and I feel that I am not playing full-out, that’s
where that’s coming from.”

● Role as a Soul Surgeon [16:05]

“Surfacing your divinity, learning how to create a balance between your royalty and your
humility….experience your self spirit running through you.”

● The Purpose [17:58]

“Everything that I have done, there was a common denominator, it was helping people.”

● Realizations [20:50]

“It’s kind of like, when you’ve had enough, that you’re like: I’m gonna be who I am. I’m gonna
track who actually loves me, because I can’t be in a space of pain anymore.”

● Medium Work [21:55]

“It’s all a matter of like clearing your mind, and dropping into like a deep space and essence of

● Women are multifaceted [26:56]

“We by nature have the desire to express all of are facets; we’re like diamonds, we want to

● Life shifts [41:59]

“When you’re looking forward, everything behind you will still be there.”

● Thoughts on failure [55:01]

“Fear of potential is the most paralyzing fear…. People don’t care about failing, they are afraid
of potential.”

● Making the journey easy [58:34]

“Where you are right now is the moment in time that you previously prayed for.”

Follow Miss Jordan on instagram @themissjordan

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