In this episode, we talk about the journey of the show as we celebrate the 100th episode. Kelly talks about being grateful for the show, her creative process for her journal-like podcast, overcoming the fear of suppressing her truth, and reflecting on her volunteering at “Hillside”. She also answers some questions from instagram about life and love.

[0:50] The Message

“That’s the whole thing about what Chaselife with Kelly is; about being curious. It’s about learning, it’s about growing, and it’s about expanding to this next level version of yourself.”

[3:45] Creating Impact

“I don’t care if you have 400 followers you know. It’s like wow, they are creating so much freaking impact and it’s just such a beautiful thing.”

[7:57] The Process

“I’m becoming more diligent and and committed to practicing what I preach because that’s what creates self-trust.”

[9:59] On-going Healing 

“We’re never gonna be fully healed, but it’s a beautiful practice to be intentional with yourself and when you give space to tune into yourself and be like: okay, let me bring awareness to this area of my life…”

[12:38] Speaking My Truth

“Me suppressing the thoughts? They keep coming back up because I know deep down in my heart that I need to express myself and not suppress myself. Maybe my podcast feels like a journal…”

[16:30] Birth Month

“It’s not all work, it’s not all chores. We gotta let that inner child play… That’s the beautiful thing about creating play in your life… when you’re in the present moment, everything else fades away.”

[22:38] Volunteer Work

“It was so humbling, very rewarding, and also very interesting to see how some people were not grateful, but so many of them were; and it was so amazing…”

[26:48] Cyclical Patterns

“The ego is trying to keep us safe, and in safety means comfort, and in comfort, it does not mean growth.”

[29:50] Reflecting at Hillside

“I was having so much fun playing with these youths, and it was the most beautiful thing witnessing them have fun; because their life and in their mind, it’s often times not fun”

[33:47] Staying Motivated

“You have to build those healthy habits. You have to stay consistent for a long period of time.”

[38:55] Making Difficult Decisions

“I’m the one who has to be okay with my decision. So when it’s difficult, you just have to cultivate that love and trust within yourself… It’s not going to please other people, but it’s gonna please me.”

[44:04] Biggest Learning

“Bring awareness to every area of your life… You gotta go out, do the actions, and get it. Start to create new beliefs in your subconscious mind.” 

[50:41] Mindshifts

“We’re not ready to fully embrace the change and the growth that could happen because we’re afraid that if we change completely, we’re gonna lose something. But isn’t losing something what we need to do in order to gain the thing that we really want?”

[53:26] Saying no to him

“I don’t regret my decision ‘cause there is so much that I’ve learned over these last five years… It was literally the catalyst to my greatest healing and spiritual awakening.”


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