Get ready for an off-the-wall Mandalorian episode here today as we move into the 6th installment of Season 3 of the Mandalorian where cameos and laughs are aplenty.


Tune in as we take a trip with Din Djarin, Bo-Katan, and Grogu to Plazir-15 where we are in search of the Mandalorians turned mercenaries, a request is made by the leaders of the planet, droids programming comes into question, a treachery is uncovered, and the true wielder of the Dark Saber is revealed.


With Chase & Josh discussing the comical aspects of this episode, providing thoughts and takeaways of what we saw on screen, debating the reasoning behind certain aspects, and touching on the entertainment value, be sure to listen in!


"Enough Mandalorian blood has been spilled by our own hands."