Greetings from the Outer Rim, today we jump right back into hyperspace where we continue our coverage of The Mandalorian Season 2 and this week, we evaluate Episodes 4-6 or as the show likes to refer to them, Chapters 12-14.


Come along with us as we continue to follow the journey of Din Djarin and The Child as he returns to Nevarro to catch up with some old friends and shuts down an Imperial base (with some potential amazing foreshadow involving some lab experiments), then a trip to the city Calodan on the planet Corvus where a long lost Jedi enters the fold, and we finish up the day on the planet Tythos where we get a blast from the past for the original trilogy Star Wars fans as well as something very precious gets taken from Mando.


We have hit the meat of The Mandalorian Season 2 with an array climactic moments, things that may come into play down the road on later timelines, introductions of the Jedi, re-introductions of past timeline characters and some amazing battle sequences. With Chase & Josh detailing the major events, giving their thoughts/takeaways regarding Chapter 12- 14 (Episodes 4-6 of Season 2) and debates that will include the present in addition to the future, do not go anywhere.


"They have the kid."