Gondor has won the initial battle at the Pelennor Fields with help from Rohan as well as Aragorn who seized the Corsairs of Umbar which were meant to aid the forces of Mordor.  The Captains of the West have marched to the Black Gate and had their final parley with the Mouth of Sauron where they plan to make their last stand as a diversion. Today we shift to Sam and Frodo and see if all the efforts of the Fellowship pay off or not as we jump into the events of Chapter 11 through Chapter 15 in The Return of the King novel.


Stick around as we pick back up with Sam attempting to free Frodo from the clutches of the Orcs, the journey into Mordor, the hiccups along the way, the return of a treacherous creature, and the culminating moment in the Crack of Mount Doom.


With Chase and Josh leading you to the very moment this series was created for, detailing the major incidents and occurrences found in these sections of the novel, discussing a few 'what-if' scenarios and debating fun topics, this big climax is one you don't want to miss.


"Yes, I must go on," he said. "Farewell, Sam! This is the end at last. On Mount Doom doom shall fall. Farewell!" He turned and went on, walking slowly but erect, up the climbing path.