Rohan survived the Battle of Helms Deep, Isengard's power is broken and the palantír is now in it's rightful place, while Frodo has been stung by Shelob and presumed dead and Sam makes the choice to continue the journey with the Ring alone, until he learns Frodo is in fact, not dead. Today we move forward into the third and final novel in the acclaimed Lord of the Rings series where we are covering Chapter 1 through Chapter 5 (Minas Tirith-The Ride of the Rohirrim).


Stick around as we get a look at Gondor preparing for war, Denethor having a power struggle with Gandalf, the appearance of Aragorn's old friends from the North, a secret revealed to the Enemy, a path that none living should take, the beginning of the battle at Gondor, Théoden's fateful decision, and a face to face with the Black Captain and the White Wizard.


With Chase & Josh moving into the final installment of the book series, highlighting a few foreshadowed and full circle moments, providing major key takeaways of each chapter, producing evidence of certain opinions, and closing out with intricate debates, you don't want to miss this.


"Farewell, Peregrin son of Paladin! Your service has been short, and now it is drawing to an end. I release you from the little that remains. Go now, and die in what way seems best to you."